Refreshing Homemade Lemonade

For several weeks, my eight-year-old Addison has been begging me to make homemade lemonade. When we were grocery shopping this week and saw lemons on sale for a great price, we knew that the time was right.

Refreshing Homemade Lemonade

We had never made homemade lemonade before, but it turns out to be super easy. In fact, It’s so easy, that Addison made it all by herself while I loaded the dishwasher.

Refreshing Homemade Lemonade

She felt so accomplished!! (A sense of accomplishment is one of my favorite things that happens when kids get to help in the kitchen)

Refreshing Homemade Lemonade

We were all so pleased when we tasted it. It was SO delicious and SO refreshing. Homemade is just so much better than store-bought! And since we’ve had several 90 degree days here this week, it definitely hit the spot.

Refreshing Homemade Lemonade

I hope that lemons are on sale at your store this week, too. Grab a bunch and treat yourself to this refreshing lemonade!

Refreshing Homemade Lemonade
Recipe type: beverage
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 8 servings
  • 1¾ cup lemon juice from fresh squeezed lemons (about 7-8 large lemons)
  • 1 cup Splenda or sugar
  • 5 cups cold water
  1. In a large pitcher, mix Splenda (or sugar) and lemon juice until blended.
  2. Add the cold water and mix.
  3. Chill in the fridge for at least an hour.



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