In our home school, we use the Spelling by Sound and Structure curriculum.It is simple, straightforward, and full of phonics and grammar goodness.
Each week the kids take a spelling test to make sure that they have mastered their list. To prepare, sometimes we need a little extra practice. We’ve come up with a few fun ways to learn our spelling words.
1. Trace the words with our fingers. I pour a bag of beans (or pasta, or small pebbles, or rice…you get the idea) on a cookie sheet. The kids trace their words with their finger. This tactile exercise engages a different part of the brain than writing, which helps kids remember those letters.
2. Write each word in a different color. The kids do this with crayons, markers, dry markers…. whatever we’ve got on hand. Switching colors with each new word really seems to stimulate the right-brained, artsy learner.
3. We hop up and down the stairs saying one letter of the word for each step. This learning activity really helps an active, energetic child connect the spelling words with their explosive energy!
As you can see, fun and variety are the names of the game!
Ok, parent readers…. in what ways do you help your kids learn their spelling words? I am always looking for new and creative ways to learn! Please share!
We love our Rod&StAff spelling, thanks to you!!