Mr. Farmer and I read a devotion from “Our Daily Bread” every morning as we eat our breakfast. We feel its a very good start to the day. We’ve gotten into a habit, I guess. 🙂
Changed lives truly happen.
Did you know that the guy who wrote the beloved hymn, Amazing Grace, was once in the Royal Navy in Great Britain? He was discharged for insubordination. Then his next career found him a sea captain trafficking slaves…thousands of people, kidnapped from Africa, many of whom died in transit. What a horrible, horrible life. John Newton, along with many others, was responsible.
But there is more to this story…..good news:
Christ died for sinners like you and me and John Newton. John Newton received the free gift of salvation. Christ rescued him from his miserable life. Christ Rescued Him! All redeemed individuals get a new life. John did. He surrendered…….confessed his sins before God, repented of his sins and received Christ Jesus as his Savior.
John’s next career? Evangelist….Preacher…..lyric writer and a great leader in the abolitionist movement in England. He said that anything good that came out of him was only through God’s grace.
Yes, indeed. This “amazing grace” is for all……all who call upon the name of our Lord through Jesus Christ.
That little 2 minute devotional reminded me of a good movie in our DVD library called “Amazing Grace”. You should watch it when you have the chance. It’s a good one….makes your heart leap for joy!
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found was blind but now I see.