Apple Pickin’ Days

For the last few weeks, we’ve been carefully noticing the apples on the nearby trees, “Are they ready yet, Mom?”  Begins the peppering of questions from the kids. ” I can’t wait for apple pie!,” usually comes next.

“Well almost.”  Is my reply.

About a week or so ago, we got the go ahead that, “Yes, indeed.  The apples are ripe for pickin.'”  As much as the kids were jumping and quickly getting there shoes,  I was not quite…not just yet.  A few hours went by, and anticipation and excitement could no longer wait.

We headed to the loaded tree with our buckets. My sweet husband even backed up the pickup for us at just the right spot so the children could get to those higher up spots.  There was an immediate crunch into the apples for tasting, and an agreement that those would be just perfect for apple pie.

So that’s exactly what we did.  Since we had an abundance of apples and the taste testers were ready, the next few hours of our Saturday were open.  We made apple pie, apple crisp, and apple cake.  There are just too many good apple recipes to choose from!

The season for apple picking is here, friends!  Give some of these favorite apple recipes a try:

Apple Cinnamon Bread

Apple Crisp Pizza

Apple Scones with Maple Frosting

Caramel Apple Cheesecake

Caramel Apple Crumble Pie

Crumb Topped Apple Slab Pie

Mini Apple Pies

Upside Down Apple Pecan Pie


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  1. When I was growing up ,we had a couple apple trees . Us kids loved eating them before they were ready .mama would fuss st us about. Bellyaches .but we would still sneak and eat them .I lived to peel a couple and put salt on them and sit on front porch and read a book and eat green apples . OH MY , I WISH I COULD GO BACK !!

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