August Blooms


Allie and Pumpkin

It’s dry here in SW Iowa. Very dry! We’re praying for rain….often.

Mr. Farmer and I checked the cows and horses last evening to see if they all had water and hay. The pasture is drying up.


Allie gave me a warm “hello” nod.

Joe’s cattle had plenty of water and pasture grass. They like it when Mr. Farmer brings salt and mineral blocks.


Even though the back yard flowers are parched, we’re still getting some beautiful blooms.

Fairy roses
Red Knock out rose
pink petunias–I think petunias will grow anywhere under any condition.
autumn joy sedum–this hardy succulent will show off it’s colors come fall.
Stella D’Ora Day Lilly–so easy to grow here in Iowa.
Hydrangea bush and lime barberry
Pee Gee Hydrangea bush–one of my favorites. So wish they smelled nice. They make a great cut flower. And they dry easily.

sunburst coreopsis–still has a few blooms on this large mound. It has been an eye-catcher this summer.
Forever summer hydrangea—waiting for it to bloom—–still waiting. 🙁
Brown-eyed Susans–such a pleasant perennial. So carefree.
delphinium–only have a few. Love them.
Norway maple–just got planted last week. The varigated leaves just happened to turn my head. I wasn’t really planning to buy a tree……
Potted ever bearing strawberries–the grand kids peak in under the leaves to see if anything is available for picking and eating. It’s been a fun potted patio plant this summer.
Happy jumbo marigolds. What else can I say. They make me smile.
Happy violas–give them a drink and they’ll turn your way. 🙂
New Guinea Impatiens–new to my patio this summer. Lush and beautiful.

pink hollyhocks–also new to the back yard. Easy to grow and wonderfully tall.
Shady impatiens–perfect for a little shade color.
Wicker planter full of geraniums-birthday present!
Maggie–my photography companion. She thinks she’s a flower.
Russian sage–tolerates heat well—wispy and beautiful with other flowers.
Purple asters–just beginning to bloom. By fall it will be a mass of purple. New for me this summer.
Crab tree–lots of little non-edible apples. They’re cute.
Red coleus–another first. They pop next door to the white petunias. Think I’ll purchase this annual again next spring.

Once again, I am amazed at the creativity of our God. I haven’t even scratched the surface on flowers–and He has created for our pleasure.

red potted impatiens. Can you see the writing on the flower pot?
Isn’t God a GOOD God? Can you tell me what the reference is?

I’d better get to watering. 🙂






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One Comment

  1. I am blown away by the beauty of your yard and your knowledge of the plants! We can give God credit for both!
    And the verse looks like a combination of Acts 2:28 and Psalm 16:11 (NIV)

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