August Scripture Writing


August is here! What are you looking forward to this month? For us, August represents my mom’s birthday (love you, mom!), getting back into the swing of school, and the Iowa State Fair (today I am trying to recreate those yummy tiny chocolate chips fair cookies at home... more on that to come!). August also means freezing sweet corn, which our family calls Corn Factory Day. Here’s how we do it. 

I came across Psalm 119:72 recently. It really challenged me! It says,

The law of your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.

Is this really true in my life? Oh how I want it to be! My prayer is that I really come to treasure God’s word. That’s my prayer for you too, dear reader.

Here are this month’s Scripture writing plans. There are two great plans from which to chose. First from Sweet Blessings is this beautiful August printable.

august scripture writing

And from The Busy Mom is this awesome plan called Encouragement from the Apostle Paul.

August Scripture Writing Plan from the Busy Mom

So join me! Print one off and make the awesome month of August even better!

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