Backyard Experience

The other day I went out the back door to the patio, and I heard SOMETHING that caught my attention right away. I turned and looked behind me, and there was a mother duck and her little baby ducklings! There in our backyard was a family of ducks! Why in the world were they up here and not down by our pond? They took off around the corner of the garage, I immediately started following them. They stopped in the middle of the bushes and I could hear them “peeping” loudly, calling out for their mama. The mom had flown away during this time, but came back, checked on them and flown away. After awhile she came back to check on them and then flew away again. Moments after that, I went inside to eat lunch and when I was finished, I went back out to check on those little babies. Some of them had split apart and lost their siblings. These ducklings ventured outback into the machine shed. Some had waddled over to the window well and fallen in. During this time their mama was not in the picture. I kept hoping she would come back!

I came to their rescue a couple of times, and helped them out . They were pretty fast!! I was able to catch one! I brought it in to show Mom. This little baby felt really nice and soft in my hands. One duck I held was quite active and afraid, wanting out of my hands, but the other duckling was the the most calm little creature, seemingly trying to fall asleep.

The close-up view of the little ducklings was amazing!. I stared at their beauty and “baby cuteness”. What an awesome experience it was for me.
I took the baby back outside, and set it down in the tall grass with it’s other siblings. They rounded the foundation of our house a couple of times, and next thing I knew, they were down by the garden, soon crossing over into the pasture. They were headed straight for the pond, hopefully reuniting with their mommy.

Come to find out, later the next day, when I posted some photos of the ducklings to my friends, one friend responded back and said they were wood ducks. Wood ducks like…..the woods! 🙂
What an experience it was for me to view these awesome little beings. The timing that I went outside was just perfect!
Thank you, God, for your wonderful and beautiful creation. I agree with Charles Stanley when he says, “God is able to teach us, speak to us and provide for us through His creation.”
John 1:3 “Through Him all things were made. Without Him nothing was made that has been made.”
We see robins and rabbits, daily, but to see ducks in our backyard…..that was a first!