Backyard Wonders of Creation

“Oh Lord…..

Branch of maple leaves. View from trampoline.
Branch of maple leaves. View from trampoline.


Sycamore leaves
Sycamore leaves–any tiny spider. 🙂


Budding arborvitae
Budding arborvitae
Blooming hosta
Blooming hosta


…… many are Your works?

"Knock out rose"
“Knock out rose”
Ninebark bush
Nine bark bush
Hot pink summer phlox
Hot pink summer phlox

……In wisdom You have made them all.

Plethora of pinecones
Plethora of pine-cones
North view
Scene of beans to the north
Annabelle hydrangea
Annabelle hydrangea


…….The earth is full of Thy possessions……..” Psalm 104:24a

My little wren friend
My little wren friend


Talking to her young
Talking to her young
Singing me another beautiful song
Singing me another beautiful song


Lime barberry
Lime Barberry
Brown-eyed Susans
Brown-eyed Susans
Stella D'Ora Daylilly
Stella D’Ora Daylilly
Last of the sunbeam coreopsis












“May the glory of the LORD

Mix of summer phlox
Mix of summer phlox


……endue forever;

Jen and Mags
Jen and Mags
Knock out roses
Knock out roses


……May the LORD rejoice in His works…..” Psalm 104: 31





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