“Oh Lord…..
Branch of maple leaves. View from trampoline.
Sycamore leaves–any tiny spider. 🙂
Budding arborvitae
Blooming hosta
……..how many are Your works?
“Knock out rose”
Nine bark bush
Hot pink summer phlox
……In wisdom You have made them all.
Plethora of pine-cones
Scene of beans to the north
Annabelle hydrangea
…….The earth is full of Thy possessions……..” Psalm 104:24a
My little wren friend
Talking to her young
Singing me another beautiful song
Lime Barberry
Brown-eyed Susans
Stella D’Ora Daylilly
Last of the sunbeam coreopsis

“May the glory of the LORD
Mix of summer phlox

……endue forever;
Jen and Mags
Knock out roses
……May the LORD rejoice in His works…..” Psalm 104: 31