The Big Red Heart!
Love….isn’t that what we all want……… be loved and to give love?
Everyone wants to be loved……………………….UNCONDITIONALLY. Everyone wants to be accepted completely for who they are. Everyone dreams of finding the perfect LOVE of their lives.
Hearts are a way of showing when our deep emotion this to show this beautiful feeling inside—-what we want to convey to others and what we hope others will open up and show for us. The universal symbol of the heart has been around for hundreds of years.
The heart shape is recognized the world over as a symbol of romantic love and affection,
Derived from a seed.
“One theory is that the traditional heart shape was derived from the plant seed of the silphium plant. This now extinct North African plant was found in the ancient city of Cyrene during the seventh century BC. The plant was most commonly used as seasonings. They depicted the shape of the seed on their coins. The seeds were distinctly heart-shaped and were later looked upon as a romantic symbol.
Phileo Love: People loving each other. We witnessed a lot of this kind of love at our little family Valentine party the other evening.

Games and cookies and exchanging of Valentines and candy, then more candy. Then finally a lot of candy. The kids had a blast. I think the adults did too.

Agape Love:
God’s love is Agape love…….an everlasting, unconditional, not ever showing favoritism…..nothing depending on us–what we have done, what family we have come from, not how we look or how smart or rich or athletic or artistic we are…. kind of love. He made each one of His Valentine’s just the way He willed.
And He wants us to love Him back………… love Him first and foremost (surrendering our lives to Him) and to show Him by following Him in our daily living.
If you would like to read more about “A relationship with God” please click here.
And God wants us to love each other.

And telling others of God’s great eternal love and sacrifice for us through His son, Jesus Christ.
An old song that comes to mine is from one of my all time favorite artists, Steven Curtis Chapman……”More to This Life” It’s all about God’s love and plan for a relationship with Jesus. Life in Him makes life worth living:
Happy Valentine’s Day dear friends and family!

Happy Valentine’s Day dear friends and family!