Beef Empanadas with Puff Pastry
Watched a movie the other night where a gal was selling empanadas. It made me hungry 🙂 ……. believe they are a staple in many South American countries and perhaps originated from Spain, Portugal…somewhere around there. So….depending on which country you are from, the ingredients change a little bit. I’m from Iowa, so I get to choose the basics for this one. 🙂 Basically it is a bread pocket full of meat filling. Now this is MY kind of food—-bread and meat!!!! I played around a little bit and this is what I came up with:

- 1 T olive oil
- 1 lb ground beef
- ¼ C chorizo (or pork sausage)
- ½ C chopped onion
- ½ C potato, diced
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1 t chopped or ground thyme
- 1 t chopped omarjoram
- 1 T tomato paste
- 1 t paprika
- 6 green olives, chopped
- pinch cayenne pepper
- Enough water to keep filling moist
- 1 pkg puff pastry
- 1 egg, whished
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Brown meat in oil. Add the rest and simmer for 10 min or until potatoes or done.
- Cut pastry into squares. Layer 2 squares and pinch around 3 sides. Fill each square with meat filling, then pinch final side shut.
- Brush each pocket with egg wash

The movie I watched was “The 33.” It’s a new release about 33 miners in Chile, South America, who were trapped underground for many, many days. True story. Of course Chileans don’t look like me and they don’t speak the same language as I do. That’s because the Lord ordered it to be that way. Certainly makes the world more interesting, doesn’t it?
In Sunday school, last Sunday, our story was about Jesus inviting the little children to come to Him. We sang “Jesus Loves the Little Children, All the children of the world….red and yellow black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.” I asked, “How did people get to be different colors?” Almost every one of the children yelled out, “Jesus made us that way.” Even at 4 and 5, they know the diversity of humans is ordained and created by our great God, and that we are all equal in His sight. And……precious in His sight.
To God Be the Glory……..great things He has done.
Enjoy the empanadas.