Bennett’s Tailgating BD Field Party
Family gatherings are so much fun for everyone. They are especially fun when someone is celebrated. Bennett’s birthday is the November birthday in the family. The Gingham Apron girls decide to take the birthday party to the cornfield where the men are busy harvesting. The clock is ticking and they want to get finished picking corn before Thanksgiving comes. Because of the wet weather and late start to the harvest, the men are forging ahead in high gear, even on the weekends this year. Bennett was certainly OK with having his party in the cornfield. In fact, he thought it was a great idea!
Over the hill, in the corner of the field lies a ditch with running water. It’s a private little spot, one the family has visited in the past; a little hideaway. This would be a perfect spot for our little birthday party lunch….a tailgating lunch, in honor of a wonderful little boy. I call him “Gentle Ben”, for he has such a gentle way about him. And he says, “Let’s Eat!”
Chocolate Cake and ice cream (of course)

We rejoice in the fact that we are a close-knit family and we live fairly close in proximity. We love being together and we try very hard to make it a priority. We are thankful to God for His bountiful blessings and His loving kindness towards us.
We hope Bennett will always remember his tailgating birthday party, tucked away in the corner of an Iowa cornfield, in God’s country.
Happy Birthday, Bennett!
“Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.”
Proverbs 17:6