Best Meal Ever (in 15)

Well… of the best, anyway. 🙂

The temperature is to soar to the upper 90’s today. Whew! I’m staying in. Jerianne, the WHO weather gal, announced the hottest part of the day will be over suppertime, so I thought, “Why not have steak for lunch!” Am I right?

What’s for dinner? BEEF

Mr. Farmer raises beef. So….Ribeyes it is. No need to marinate as they are quite tender. Trim a little fat and good to go!

Grilled Ribeyes. Yum!

Grilled medium high, turned them, then medium low. We like ours medium well.

While at the grill, I enjoy the view. Even though it’s hot! the beginnings of fall is in the air. The grass stays “dewy” longer; the locusts buzz on and yep, I saw a red leaf on the burning bush today.

Our summery back yard

SPUDS: Great side dish!

Microwave baked potatoes. That’s quick, easy, AND, there are a couple of potatoes that NEED to be eaten. Four got poked and stuck in the microwave. Ummmm, maybe fried would be better. Yes, with red onion, a tiny little bit of fresh garlic, butter and a dollop of sour cream. (I used French onion chip dip. Always better on savory foods.) And garnished with dill. No fresh this time. Bottled will do. Yes, this adds a beautiful flavor.

Quick fried potatoes

Fresh from the Garden!

Shelby and Molly generously shared from their garden with fresh tomatoes and green peppers. Those veggies got a rough chop. I threw in some sliced onions and marinated in a little diluted Green Goddess dressing while the steaks cooked. Then I stuck this delicious dish in the fridge to cool a bit.

Marinated fresh garden veggies

Next, got to have bread! Rolls in the freezer. When I go to Walmart on occasion, I stock up on the bakery rolls. The square Ciabatta rolls are versatile and delicious. I took 2 out and threw the package back in the freezer. When the potatoes were finished, the 2 rolls went atop and I placed a lid on the frying pan to thaw the rolls. Not only did they thaw quickly, they were very soft and warm. Yum! (Bread……So good!)

Warming up the frozen rolls.

Finished in 15 minutes! Quick, so easy and very delish!

Other grilled foods: Grilled Pork Chops with Honey Balsamic Barbecue Sauce

Grilled Pork Chops with Honey Balsamic Barbecue Sauce

Thanks for tuning in!

“Taste and See that the Lord is Good!” Psalm 34:1

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