Hey friends! Have you heard about Brio Magazine? It’s a magazine that my girls subscribe to, and I think it’s absolutely the best, so I want to tell you all about it.

Each new edition is packed with inspirational stories about true Christian women. This month’s copy included stories about Bethany Hamilton, and a a young woman named Julia Roy who has overcome an eating disorder. There is also a feature each month of a professional woman, which gives young girls ideas about possible future career choices.
Always, there is scripture, and beautifully designed full-page verses that can be posted or framed. Isn’t this one lovely? And it’s just perfect for the Easter season.

My girls also love the journal sections that can be filled out including, both the spiritual and relationship varieties. We actually receive two subscriptions of Brio a month so that each of my daughters has her own copy.

I also love the inspirational section that showcases the creativity of the Brio readers. It just celebrates teenagers and how wonderful they are.

And the Plugged-In section that gives guidance about media, entertainment, and pop-culture is so helpful and relevant.

Honestly, I’m blown away by the deep and valuable content, the artistic beauty and design, and the encouraging messages of Brio Magazine. I want my girls to be challenged and encouraged, and Brio always delivers. If you’ve got a teenage girl in your life, I encourage you to consider subscribing to this delightful resource. She’ll love it! (My girls always rush in from the mailbox on the day it’s delivered. “Mom! The new Brio is here! Look who’s on the cover!”