Carrot Salad-Oh so Refreshing!

Carrot Salad

Carrot Salad–oh so refreshing. Really it is!

My family knows this dish oh so well. Why? Because there isn’t a holiday meal without it, that’s why. This salad is a part of who we are. I’m not kidding!

Carrot Salad–doctored with a little whipping cream. 🙂

We love this colorful salad because it tastes extremely good. We love it because it brings wonderful memories of this dear, dear woman. We love it because it’s refreshing and goes with most meals.

Gramma  Maxine made this side dish for every occasion under the sun. From the time I  started hanging out with this clan (I was 15!!) until now, this dish has made its way into our hearts and stomachs. I’ve never thrown out even a bit of carrot salad.

Carrot Salad

(I just had to take a photo of this casserole dish. Ha!) If you’re close to my age you’ll remember all these stackable Pyrex casserole dishes. I think we must have gotten four of them for wedding and shower gifts. Back in the early 70’s they came in orange, gold, avocado green–the “in” colors at the time.

My mother-in-law didn’t have a fancy food processor. She would always clamp  her meat grinder onto an old chair or board to grind the carrots. Wish I had a picture to show you. Actually, I have to say I desire the texture of her carrots over mine.

Carrot Salad-Oh so Refreshing!
Recipe type: salad
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 9x13
Refreshing, delicious, easy, and delightful. You'll love it, I'm sure!
  • 2-3 oz. boxes of orange jello
  • 2 C boiling water
  • 2 C cold water
  • 3 C ground up carrots, ground up by food processor
  • 1 can (at least 16-20 oz.) of crushed pineapple, drained
  • Whipping cream for garnish (optional)
  1. Place dry jello in a large bowl. Dissolve jello in boiling water. Add cold water. Add carrots and pineapple and refrigerate. Takes at least 3 hours to congeal.


Happy Spring!! Rejoice!

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