Cauliflower Salad
Don’t cha just love to peek into the refrig and see a salad peering back at you……all ready to place on the table? Boy, I do! Honestly, I’m kind of a a meat and bread girl. Don’t get me wrong….I love veggies too… in potatoes and gravy, with the meat and bread. I do like other foods, but, shhhhhhhh…….salads are not one of my favorites to make; therefore, I do not make them a lot. It’s quite a treat for me to go through a salad bar or pot luck or family gathering and try all the salads. I’m just lazy when it comes to making salads. So, when a WONDERFUL EASY salad comes along that tastes super yummy, I pay attention. Cauliflower salad is one of those recipes.
I absolutely LOVE this salad. It has OODLES OF AMENITIES. (Can I use amenities in talking about salads? And by the way, who gets to make up all the rules and regulations on where and how we use our words, anyway?) OK, back to salad amenities: it consists of at least 5 vegetables! Plus, plus!! It has sour cream AND mayonnaise…HELLO! Ranch dressing…..and who doesn’t like ranch? And cheese….wonderful creamy cheese, which, of course, is quite good for you! This recipe IS chalk full of amenities……..I mean, flavor. Oh, I almost forgot: this might just be amenity number 1….It’s a dump salad. That means you can dump everything in at the same time, mix it up and you’re done. No boiling water….dissolving anything, or draining or waiting 2 hours for step number 2. Amenity number 7: It keeps well. Amenity number 10: it can be paired with burgers, deli sandwiches, fried chicken, roast beef, pork chops………… name it. Why? Because of the many vegetables, of course.
In all seriousness, I think of this salad as a summer salad because it is quick and easy and really does go well with whatever is on the grill. It’s great for a picnic and guess what? (Amenity # 13:The grand kids even like it! There you have it! One of my all-time favorite salads. I hope you enjoy it, too!!
- 1 C mayonnaise
- 1 C sour cream (or chip dip)
- 1 head of cauliflower, separated and cut up into bite sized pieces
- ½ green pepper, chopped
- ½ C onion, chopped
- ½ C celery, diced (optional)
- 1 package hidden valley ranch dressing mix
- 1 C frozen peas
- 1 C cheddar, co-jack, Colby or Monterrey Jack cheese, in small cubes
- In a very large bowl, toss all ingredients together until well blended. Refridgerate