Comforting Hamburger and Noodles

When I think of the many foods in my mother’s repertoire of recipes….this hamburger and noodle one tops the list.  A warm and comforting dish of creamy noodles and hamburger.   It was a staple growing up and it is in my house now as well.  It’s easy to make and contains ingredients that you can keep on hand.   Serve it plain or over mashed potatoes.  Mmmm, it hits the spot.

5.0 from 1 reviews
Comforting Hamburger and Noodles
Recipe type: Main dish
  • 1 pound hamburger, browned and drained
  • Small onion, diced and cooked with hamburger
  • 1 can cream of chicken soup
  • 1 can of water
  • 1 can of chicken broth
  • 1 can of beef broth
  • 2 beef bullion cubes
  • 1 chicken bullion cube
  • 1 large pkg frozen noodles (I like Mrs. Reames)
  1. Mix all liquids together add noodles and bullion cubesand cook as package states
  2. Add browned hamburger and mix well. Simmer until ready to serve.
  3. Serve plain or over mashed potatoes


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  1. Wow, that looks so delicious and definitely comforting. I love those noodles. I will have to see if I can find them on the east coast. I am curious about the saltiness of the dish. That is a lot of broth, cream of chicken soup, and boullion cubes. Do you find it salty? Even with the lower sodium broths, it seems like a lot of sodium.

    1. Hi Teresa. Thanks for reading our blog. You have a good question. I have been eating this dish since I was a kid…I have never thought of it as salty. Nor has my husband ever mentioned that. But you make a good observation. The ingredients definitely contain a lot of sodium. If you were on a low sodium diet I would not recommend this dish. If you are concerned about a salty flavor I think if you went with low sodium options it shouldn’t be noticeable. You will have to let me know. It’s funny how you just grow up with a recipe and don’t think much about the contents. :).

  2. Hi again. So I found the noodles in my local Walmart and was so excited to find them. I made the dish tonight and it was really fantastic. My whole family loved it. I did use the low sodium broths and I used the Better than Bouillon chicken and beef pastes (low sodium also). I also made my own homemade cream of chicken soup from Mel’s Kitchen Cafe website. I use this all the time and it makes such a huge difference from the canned version. The recipe was so good. I am really glad to have discovered those noodles as I will use them in all my soups and stews. Thank you so much–great winter recipe and comforting!!!

    1. So glad you liked the recipe. It’s a favorite around here. :). I like the low sodium substitutions. I’m going to have to check out that cream of chicken soup recipe too. Enjoy your weekend!!!

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