Diabetes and God’s Faithfulness

My life changed drastically this past week. On Saturday, my kids and I excitedly picked up my mom from the San Diego Airport. We had been anticipating her visit for over a month, and we couldn’t wait to start off our time with her by taking her to a favorite diner and to watch the magnificent sunset on Coronado Island.

I hadn’t been feeling the best that day, but I had had some unexplained health issues for many months, and so I really didn’t give it much thought. But after our beach and diner visit, I asked my mom to drive us home because I was starting to feel a little worse.

I had a very restless night of sleep, and I started to have a hard time catching my breath. I woke up my husband, and he took my to the ER. They had me breath into an oxygen mask while they waited for a doctor, and I rested my head back on the hospital bed. The next thing I knew, it was Monday afternoon, two days later.

I awoke with iv’s in both arms, in a hospital bed with people talking in quiet voices about my diabetes. I was in shock! Diabetes! I quickly learned that the past few days the doctors had been working to bring my body out of diabetec keto acidosis (DKA), and my sugar levels had been in the 400s. (I’ve since learned that a healthy person’s sugar level should be around 100).

The questions began to flood my mind. “How could this happen? I’m still pretty young and so healthy.” “How will I manage this while being a mom to my five kids? ”

But God began to show his loving faithfulness this week in so many ways. First of all, he allowed this to happen while my mom was here visiting. That is much more than coincidental timing! And thanks to lots of helpful family back in Iowa, she’s been able to prolong her stay to help with our kids and running our home while I spent five days in the hospital and now am continuing to recover at home.

My family has been so wonderful. My husband has been doing everything he can to comfort me and get the crash-course education with me about blood, insulin, needles, nutrition, etc. My kids have been so loving and despite being worried about their mom, they have done their best to be helpful and calm.

Our church family and friends have been amazing! Families have brought over meals and ice cream and invited my kids over. Our Bible study group is praying for me and checks in daily. I’ve received flowers, texts, and calls that have really encouraged me. I am learning so much about how to reach out to someone in need.

And finally, as always God’s Word is a constant source of comfort and strength. Two of my sisters-in-law have been sending Scripture that has been so comforting and refreshing. Here are a few that I have been really leaning into:

Psalm 23 The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Psalm 34:18-19 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the LORD delivers them out of them all.

I’m just about a week into this now, and I am still wrestling with my new way of life. I think that’s ok. I tell God that I don’t understand, but that I want to please him in this new chapter.

Psalm 62:8 Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us.

And I have so much to learn about how to care for myself so I can be as healthy as possible.

BUT I know that God’s is near to me, helping me and loving me through all of this. Who knows? Maybe I’ll find some really healthy recipes I can share that could help some of you readers. I am so thankful he is allowing so many wonderful people in my life to care for me. Thank you to all of you who have been praying for me and my family!


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  1. Oh Annie!!!!! I just now read this!!!!! We will be praying for you!!!! I’ll ask my friends to pray for you too!!!!! I’m so sorry!!!!! So grateful your mom was there to drive you & be there for you all!!!!!

    I’m going to tell Bethany about this & she’ll pray for you too!!!! And Erik & Evelyn too!!!!! Bethany was so worried about you when you had your bigger babies!!!! She told me I’m concerned that Annie might have diabetes. She said she sure hoped the docs checked you for that back then!!!

    Please keep us informed!!!! We will be praying for you & Shane & all of you!!!!!!

    Love Always,


    1. Thank you for your prayers. Yes, can you believe that this all happened the very night my mom came? Wow! A miracle! I am learning a lot and know that everything will be ok. Hope you are all doing well.


  2. So sorry to hear this. But Thank God Denise was there. Will love the recipes for diabetics as I also have it. Hoping God grants you wisdom and knowledge to handle this. Just remember that He takes care of those who love Him.

  3. Hi Annie!!
    I so agree that God will use your situation to bless others who share your condition. The comfort you receive will be the comfort you can share!! Thanks you for your willingness to be vulnerable and share!! God IS so good and our Rock in every time and place!! Love you so and know we are praying along with you and for you! Uncle Brian has his struggles with this too as you know!
    We love you so much!!

    1. Hi Aunt Deb,
      Thank you for reading and for your kindness and encouragement. A friend brought some delicious healthy-for-diabetics dessert tonight and I will share it soon. I hope Brian will love it, too! Love you all!

  4. Thank you for sharing your story. Your faith and strength will get you through this rough patch.
    I was diagnosed in May this year and can tell you dietary changes, exercise with medication will make you feel better in a shorter time than you think. It is very hard for the first couple of months but becomes your new normal faster than you think.
    Here is a good tip for high blood sugar to decrease fairly quickly. Drink at least one full bottle of water and go for a brisk walk for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, retake your sugar levels and repeat if necessary. It works very well for me. Also, always keep a roll of lifesavers on you at all times for the low blood sugars. They will happen occasionally and you will need a quick hit of sugar (take 6 and chew quickly). Retake your blood sugar in 15 minutes. Repeat if necessary.
    It would be great if you started giving diabetic options or even including carbohydrate amounts in your recipes. I have been taught by a dietitian to carb count to control my sugars and it has worked very well for me.
    May God bless you on this journey.

    1. Thank you so much for reading and sharing a bit of your story, too. Your tips are really encouraging. A friend brought an absolutely delicious dessert (chocolate almond bark) over tonight, and I will share the recipe soon. 🙂 Yes, I’ve already found that walking is really helping with the numbers! Keep sending the tips! 🙂

  5. Oh, Annie! I am so sorry you have diabetes, but I also know that you will manage it just like you always manage everything – with grace and competence. Keep us all posted and how it goes and how you are managing. So glad your mom has been there with you. I’m sure she can’t imagine being anywhere else right now. Do take care, Dear. Love to you from all of us. Susie

    1. Hi Susie! Thank you for your encouraging words; you really have a gift in encouraging others! Can you believe that mom was here at just the right time?! A miracle. Hope you and all of your family are doing great.

  6. Oh Annie I’m so glad you are ok now. I know you’ll be fine and do a great job doing what the doctors tell you to do. I know it’s going to be alright making the eating and life style change in your life.
    When I was little I had a friend who had type 1 diabetes. I remember she had to eat differently than what everyone else ate. The way things are today I think it would be much easier. People are more aware of diabetes. There are so many people that have diabetes now days. I didn’t know that I had diabetes in my family until a few years ago. I think people need to talk about it. Make people aware that they have it or it’s in the family. I’m glad you let people know your experience you went through.
    I’m glad Jackie let me know what happened to you. I told Justin , Ashley and mom. Mom’s been living with type 2 diabetes a few years. Moms been living with diabetes a few years.
    I’ll keep praying for you Annie. I know some people have turned things around just by eating different. It sounds like exercise helps also. Thank goodness your moms was there at the right time and place. God was with all of you. I’ll keep praying for you, Shane, your children and all of you.
    Love always

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