DIY Huge Letter and Picture Art (that’s super cheap!)
I recently discovered something really fun: Engineer Prints! Have you heard about engineer prints? They are a large black and white copies that are printed on butcher paper for a really low price. Lots of different print/office type stores offer them, and I got mine at Staples. When I learned about them, I was immediately excited because I love fun, inexpensive pieces for our home.
First I created a huge wall pic of our five kiddos. My sister-in-law, Molly, had snapped this picture for us last fall in front of a barn on my parent’s farm.
I love it, and thought that it might look good in black and white. I did a quick edit photo edit to change the color, and uploaded the file to the Staples website.
I selected the 24 x 36 option, I made sure to check the “fit content to paper” box, and I ordered for the grand price of $3.59.
A few days later, I picked up a roll at Staples, and popped the picture into an old Ikea frame that was in the store room.
We hung it in the hall upstairs, and I am head over heels about it! I feel so happy seeing my kiddo’s smiling faces every time I walk past.
So today I decided that I wanted to make another engineer print project, this time using our last initial, B. I created a quick file at, using a font that I love, Playfair Display, and once again uploaded the image to
I popped it into a frame and voila! Quick, easy, dramatic, HUGE letter art. In my very humble opinion, I think that it’s a little sophisticated and a lot fun.
If you’re thinking about making one of these for your home, just keep in mind that the print quality is not superior, so pick an image that will look good in grays and charcoals. For more inspiration, you can check out this letter wall art at Chris Loves Julia and this huge letter I found on Pinterest.