Easy Valentine Snacks

Looking for some quick and yummy snack for Valentine’s Day tomorrow?  Both the Popcorn Munch and Dipped Oreos are easy, delicious and festive.  Make it a family event and create these together!

Valentine Popcorn Munch

valentine popcorn munch

Valentine Popcorn Munch
Recipe type: snack
Easy, Festive and Delicious
  • 1 package White/Vanilla Almond Bark
  • Approximatly 16-20 cups popped popcorn
  • 2 Cups M&M's (valentine colors)
  • Additional Valentine sprinkles as desired
  1. Pop Popcorn and place in large bowl
  2. Break up almond bark and melt according to package directions.
  3. Pour melted almond bark over popcorn and stir well.
  4. Mix in M&M's and spread out on wax paper.
  5. Sprinkle on Valentine sprinkles and allow mixture to completely cool
  6. Break up and store in airtight container


Dipped Valentine Oreos

valentine oreos


1 Package Oreos
1 Package Vanilla/White Almond Bark
Valentine Sprinkles

1.) Melt almond bark according to package directions
2.) Dip Oreos into almond bark with a fork, tapping the excess off and place on wax paper to cool.
3.) Decorate and sprinkle to your hearts desire!
4.) Allow to cool completely and store in airtight container.


“My command is this, love each other as I have loved you”  John 15:12

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