Everywhere Holy by Kara Lawler

Recently, my friend sent me a new book Everywhere Holy by Kara Lawler. I’m absolutely loving it. I’m trying to read it slowly so I can really savor its gentle messages and beautiful words. Let me tell you all about it…

The subtitle of this book is “Seeing Beauty, Remembering Your Identity, and Finding God Right Where You Are.” Wow. Those are all messages that I think we really need right now as we are all tired of being right where we are. 

Everywhere Holy by Kara Lawler

This book is a collection of essays about homes, children, families, nature, and life itself. These essays beautifully and gently help us to see God faithfully at work in our lives. The back cover says “We can see God at work right where we are; in our ordinary routines, in the faces of our family and friends, and- especially- in nature. Kara Lawler has learned to see this holiness in her own life, and the process has helped her remember her own identity.” 

Rainy Day on the farm

Lawler writes about noticing things about her children, pets, sunrises and even lilacs. She writes, “If you can start noticing, I think you’ll be so surprised at all the holy intercessions, right in your own life, right where you are, helping you understand that holiness is all around.” I wonder if during this time of slowness, we can also start noticing important and beautiful things in our daily lives that will help us remember who God is. 

Who Stops the waves?


Lawler, who lives in the mountains of Pennsylvania writes a lot about the restorative aspects of nature. She says, “By taking in the colors all around me, I can honor the life I’ve been given, and you can, too, even if there are times when this gift comes in ways not obvious and even if they don’t feel holy at the time.”

“By taking in the colors all around me, I can honor the life I’ve been given, and you can, too, even if there are times when this gift comes in ways not obvious and even if they don’t feel holy at the time.”

I found a lot of comfort in how Lawler expresses her trust in God’s control, especially during these chaotic and confusing times. She writes, “God, please remind me I’m right where you want me to be.” And “Learning here- I mean, learning to be here, right now, right here- isn’t always easy, but it is worth the effort.” 

Check out this book trailer: 


Giveaway! I think you’ll love this comforting and beautiful book so much! Leave a comment below, and we’ll pick a winner on Friday May 22nd. 

Everywhere Holy by Kara Lawler

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  1. This books sounds perfect for me. I look for and find joy every day God has given me since my cancer diagnosis almost 7 years ago. How do I define joy? It’s the sound of happy birds, the beauty of a sunrise, watching the blue heron fishing for his breakfast, spotting a new bud on my roses, watching and smelling a rainstorm approaching. I am blessed to find joy each day And I am never disappointed. God has helped me heal with his beautiful creations. I would love to read her book.

    1. Junell, thank you so much for your comment. I really like how you said, “God has helped me heal with his beautiful creations.”

  2. Thank you for reminding me that God is everywhere and we just need to slow down and seek him through all the chaos.
    Sounds like seeing and realizing that it is Him will get us through these difficult days. Thank you for the blessing of your words.

  3. I think this book sounds perfect for right now – or maybe any time. I too find Him in all kinds of things and times. It is the hope and evidence that provides strength to keep on keeping on.

    1. I love how you said “the hope and evidence that provides the strength to keep on keeping on.” Thank you for reading and commenting.

  4. This book sounds perfect! I love recognizing all the good things around.

  5. Sounds calming,
    Moments of eyes seeing heart loving
    God showing He is everywhere and with you always

    How to obtain book?

  6. It would be such a blessing to win this book, especially in times like these, thanks for this awesome opportunity!

  7. Love the book name & ‘prayer is paying attention’ from the video clip.

  8. God is all around us, all of the time, if we would just take the time to look and reflect. Thank you for this opportunity, as it sounds like something we could all use to empower our inner selves.

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