Eye of the Storm

A hazy September Iowa sunrise


Good Morning from the farm, dear readers. I have a heavy heart today after seeing all the devastation in our world the past few days.

We have been witnessing a lot of Tribulation in our great USA and beyond because of uncontrollable storms and disasters from nature.

What do we do in the aftermath?


Hurricane Irma. Hurricane Harvey. And on Irma’s heels……..Hurricane Jose.  The earthquake in Mexico. The news continues to spill onto us with this ugly information of the unbelievable storms  and their effects on the people. We just watched the entire state of Florida with millions of residents be hit so hard by Irma.  Such destruction. How can this be?

And Today is 9-11. We remember. There is still much pain, much grief, much sorrow.

Where is God in all of this? Why does He allow these things to happen?

He warns us many times through the Bible, His Word. Trouble ahead. This is a journey. A treacherous journey.

Our world is a lovely world, yet a very broken world. Since the fall of man, when sin entered in through disobedience, we humans have been dealing with its consequences, through people–and through nature. Will it always be this way? Can we fix it?  Oh, we certainly ask the “why” questions. Whether out loud or in our minds, we want to know. We want an answer.

And so what can we do?

We can look to God. He sent Jesus, His Only Son, for us.   We can trust that He will show up in so many different ways. He loves us. He has plans and purposes for us. His word tells us these things.





John 16:33 ” I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”


God shows up. He loves us. He helps us. He helps us through His people. He helps in so many ways.


Maybe the storm looks like this for you:

divorce, illness, brokenness, aging,  financial chaos, pink slips, grief, anxiety.

“But take heart,” says the Lord. “I am with you.”  “I will never leave you or forsake you.”  “Call on Me.”  “Let’s take the journey together.”  “There is hope in Me.” “I love you.” Have you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ?

“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8

His love and peace surround us………………..in the eye of the storm.

He really does remain in control.  He really does have final authority. There really is a life after this one.

Need a good read? The book of John, in the New Testament may be just the book for you right now.




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