First Day of Harvest
Today is officially the first day of harvest…it’s a little bittersweet for me today. It’s the first day of a long road that’s ahead. The wind is blowing and the leaves are falling. They got a later start this year due to the fact that we got over sixteen inches of rain in August – so crops are still wet and the soil is still wet. Typically, they get done before Thanksgiving – this year I’m almost sure it will be going into December – and hopefully done before Christmas. Crop prices are very low right now, but we are thankful for the bullish cow market.
Then I catch myself, I have so many blessings to be thankful for…my family – my healthy family, my freedom, my home, food that I eat at each meal and everything in between, my home – my warm home (and my cool home), the changing of the seasons, God’s beautiful and amazing creation that I am surrounded by each day, and the gifts – yes, gifts that are waiting to be unwrapped each day.
Today’s gift is the beginning of harvest, and there is good that comes with beginning, with waiting, with persevering, and the accomplishment that will come at the end of the journey. What would life be if we never had journeys or beginnings? Today is a Sunday, and I have to-do list with sixteen items on it – and there are no checks off my list. I am beginning this journey with goals one day at a time.
…”Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” John 4:35