Good Morning from the farm & Scotcheroos
Good morning on our farm! Our planting of soybeans is now finished . The first round of spraying is complete and now it’s catch-up time. Mr. Farmer and sons are working with cattle and fencing and all those low-ticket items that got pushed to the side until the crop was in the ground. Yes, they are still busy. What shall I make for a quick and yummy bar. Scotcheroos is always a hit. But before I do, I have to share some sightings on the farm:
This little calf just woke from her nap.
The blooms on our Bradford Pear were spectacular this year. They are almost gone now.
The lilac bush by the old pump showered us with an abundance of bouquets. The fragrance inside and out reminds us all that warm weather is here to stay!
We all know that Scotcheroos is a bar everyone loves. I’ve had a hunger pang for them recently so I made pan-full. I forgot how quick and easy they are to make. And I forgot how fast they disappear! This time I used a very large bowl to stir them up. I think the right tools are essential if you’re going to spend some time in the kitchen—well, anywhere for that matter. The big big stainless steel bowl makes the mixing so easy. The entire recipe was finished up in less than 6 minutes. These photos will make you want to stop looking at my photos and start making some of your own.
Click below for the recipe. You’ll be glad you did. 🙂 for the recipe:
Isn’t this a pretty picture? Joe and Molly gave me this beautiful drawing for Mother’s Day. It’s from:
Check it out!
Have a great day, my friends.
“Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King. His love endures forever.”