Good Morning, Monday! “This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!” Read Psalm 100. It’s a great one to start your day!
Yes, the Lord has made it. It is my choice to be glad in it! My list is always long on Mondays. I smile and look forward to working on it, with the help of a couple visitors today, Jack and Ava. And boy are they a lot of fun and great helpers, I might add. I think I hear little Jack singing himself awake as I write.
Mr. Farmer left very early this morning. He and Bill are working with cattle…..rounding them up works the best early in the day. Oh, I just heard the pickup and cattle trailer pull out the driveway while most of the neighborhood has yet to plant a foot on the floor. Farmers love taking advantage of daylight hours…..from dawn til dusk. The cattlemen will be sorting, moving and even taking a few off to a sell today.

If it doesn’t rain today, this gardener has some watering to do. The past few days have been very hot and all the plants and flowers are in need of a good soaking.

I look at the beauty of the countryside………the sky with its ever changing view, the livestock grazing to find soft grass, always on the move…..(yesterday they went for a swim, then rolled in the mud!)……………………………..the talllllllllll greeeeeeeeen beautiful fields of corn and and full, lush beans and I am reminded that….…”I know my Redeemer Lives.” Job 19:25 He truly has blessed us abundantly.
I just read the story of Jesus calming the sea to Ava………….she and her Care Bears, of course. The One who made the sea, the waves, the storm….also calms it. Amazing, huh? He too, calms our hearts in the midst of our storms.
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10
Have a great Monday!
Thanks, Denise!
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