Grouper on the grill
Grouper…hands down my favorite fish from the Gulf of Mexico. Florida is a place I went every spring break growing up. It was delightful reprieve from the March cold and muck to travel to the land of palm trees and warm temperatures. Each year I looked forward to the journal page I wrote to myself from the year before, which I kept there in the dresser drawer (silly I know!). It was so much fun going to the sun-filled beach state. My grandparents vacationed there on a golf course, and I had the awesome opportunity to be their guest!
My grandpa (Fa, as we call him), would take me shelling and taught me how to fish (among other things). I enjoyed going into the salty waters knee – deep and casting my iridescent fishing line into the water. The white sandy beaches in Florida are terrific on the feet, and great for finding shells. Some of our favorites have been the colorful variety of coquinas and sand dollars.

Over the years, we went on some deep sea fishing trips – some were by ourselves and other times we would go with a guide. I am no expert fisherwoman, but I do enjoy trying new things and mostly, just being out on the water more than anything. One year, I remember manatee (also known as sea-cow) coming up to our fishing boat. I had a few raisins as a snack, I threw them in the water, and watched them disappear into their mouths. We would often find the quieter waters close to the mangrove trees (this is typically where I would cast my line and end up getting a snag – leaving it to my dad to try to untangle my mess). Dolphins were common to see as well as an occasional sting ray or two. Ocean life is pretty amazing – the vast array of species are so expansive. I am truly in awe of this beautiful creation.
“…the whole earth is full of his glory” Isaiah 6:3

I fondly remember eating a grilled Grouper sandwich served with lettuce and tomato by the beach for lunch listening to the waves crash into the beach. The Grouper flavor is mild and the meat is thicker. Recently, we celebrated my Dad’s 65th birthday by enjoying fresh grouper and reminiscing about our memories in Southwest Florida.

- 1 - 2 pound grouper
- 1 lemon, sliced
- 1 tomato, sliced
- 1 onion, sliced
- 3 T. olive oil
- 1 t. kosher salt
- 1 t. cracked pepper
- Using a dish with sides, place one layer of aluminum foil around sides and bottom. Then put in fish and lemon, tomato, onion, salt, and pepper. Drizzle with olive oil. Place another layer of aluminum foil on top of fish - securing completely. Place fish in foil on a medium heat on grill. Cook for 20 minutes, carefully remove foil and fish skin. Then place in serving dish.
Such sweet memories! It’s such fun to continue the fun times on the water and beaches with you and YOUR/OUR family!
Love, Mom