Happy Birthday Gathering

We gathered together and asked the Lord’s blessing for a evening of fun, celebration and activities. And He did bless us and keep us safe.

We ate, we played, we rode, we roasted, we laughed, we swang, we jumped, we petted, we blew, we jabbered, we ran, we opened, and…………………….


Olivia swinging
Olivia swinging
Addie catching a secada.
Addie catching a secada.
Ava and Anna eating their roasted marshmallows.
Ava and Anna eating their roasted marshmallows.
Addie and Ava roasting marshmallows
Addie and Ava roasting marshmallows
Thomas licking his chops
Thomas licking his chops


Jack swinging and Bennet jumping
Jack swinging and Bennett jumping
Maggie getting lots of attention
Maggie getting lots of attention

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Granda giving another thrilling cart ride.
Grandpa giving another thrilling cart ride.
Hang on, Anna!
Hang on, Anna!
Shelby, Cary, Molly
Shelby, Cary, Molly


Great picnic!
Great picnic!
And here comes the ice cream and cake line!
And here comes the ice cream and cake line!
Addie baked the birthday cake!
Addie baked the birthday cake!
Lots of help blowing out the candles.
Lots of help blowing out the candles.
Getting plenty of help with the unwrapping of gifts.
Getting plenty of help with the unwrapping of gifts.
Granda giving another thrilling cart ride.
Granda giving another thrilling cart ride.


A formal goodbye to the Boyds
A formal goodbye to the Boyds

And we LOVED:


“Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and everyone who loveth is born of God and knoweth God. He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love. Beloved, let us love one another.” 1 John 4:7, 8

Addison made the cake and frosted it with family favorite frosting recipe that hails from my cousin Patty. It truly is the best and gives white cake a wedding cake taste.

Birthday cake with decorator's frosting
Addie baked the birthday cake!

Patty's Decorator Frosting
Recipe type: dessert
Cuisine: American
  • 1 C Crisco
  • 2 lbs. powdered sugar
  • 1½ t clear vanilla
  • ½ t almond extract
  • ½ C milk
  • (3/4 C cocoa powder, if you'd like chocolate frosting)
  1. With a mixer, mix all ingredients together until smooth. Frost cooled cake.


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  1. What a joyful family birthday gathering full of blessings!
    We are ever so grateful for the day Denise was born!

  2. These photos are wonderful! Happy happy birthday Denise!!!!!! It looks like a blessed way to spend it!!! So awesome Tom and Cary were able to be there!!!!! Love to you all!

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