Happy Monday

Good Morning! There is rain in the forecast.


Can you tell?


If you want to see a farmer, one must go to the tractor-planter rig….or sprayer. The farmers are up way before dawn and come home long after the sun sets. It’s spring planting in the Midwest and they must get the seed planted in the ground RIGHT NOW. You might get a glimpse of Mr. Farmer at the shed  loading seed corn. Last week’s weather conditions made our guys pretty scarce. Every now and then you see a puff of dust in the landscape. This is corn planting time. Right now. And they will plant corn, right now. And when Mr. Farmer rings me up, I know I’m needed………………RIGHT NOW…………..to get more seed, to help move equipment, to run for a part. Whatever the call, I know it is urgent (farm-wise, that is 🙂 ).

In the meantime, I check out spring in the yard. I shot these picks yesterday when the sun was shiny bright! The spring colors are beginning to make a splash here and there and I’m lovin’ it!

Do you see the little tiny wren’s nest? It’s about 3″ in diameter. I do hope it becomes occupied soon. There is a window behind the quince bush. I sit there, on the other side,  to have my morning quiet time and watch the activity in that fragrant, colorful bush. The birds love it as much as I. This bush always confirms to me that winter is over and spring is here. Before the first bloom, the buds look like giant berries. I watch them for days before they burst forth. BEAUTIFUL.

The happy daffodils
The happy daffodils

I have a lot of large clumps of daffodil plants, but not so many daffodils. It is time to dig them up, separate them and plant them in more locations. I’ll be “happy” with them……next year.

Virginia Bluebell
Virginia Bluebell

The Virginia bluebells are now waken’ up. I LOVE THIS PERENNIAL WILDFLOWER! I cannot get enough of these precious periwinkle jewels. The pink, purple and green mixture of colors, along with the spicy fragrance and delicate bell shapes make me want to plant more and more and more.

Red maple
Red maple

The buds have bloomed on all our red maple trees. There is something beautiful and friendly about a maple. And a maple tree grows rapidly. I love that! We have several old, old walnuts and a couple maples we’ll have to take down this season. We plan on planting several more maples and sycamores.

The tulips are beginning to open up. Our Addison helped me plant every  tulip bulb. She is 9 and quite interested in horticulture. She’s a great little worker, too. You should see her with a spade! We had to take a trip to Menards the other day to pick up some bedding plants for her. She was quite the shopper. She carefully took her little “babies” to the deck when we got back home. She couldn’t wait to get them potted up.

Vinca plant
Vinca plant

Anna is 3 and already she is noticing the “Pretty flowers”. She stooped down the other day to feel and smell this bloom on the vinca plant right along the foundation of our house.  Wish I had a pic of that little one taking it all in.

With rain coming in, hopefully our planters will have a mini respite til the ground drys and they are off again. After corn is in the ground, then the soybeans will be the next on the list.

Our neighbor stopped in yesterday and tilled the garden. I have some planting to do myself. Hmmmm…….what’s it gonna be this year. Potatoes, green beans, onions, tomatoes…….

Hope your Monday is a happy one as you enjoy the colors surrounding you today. I hope you can take time out to…..”smell the roses”, or in this case the hyacinths!

Mr. Farmer is working close to home today. That doesn’t always happen. Think I’ll make him some raisin bars. He loves raisin bars…….his mom’s recipe and it’s a good one. Check it out:



“May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in His works.” Psalm 104:31

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