Homemade Granola

I recently brought home a brown bag full of granola that I purchased from a bakery.  It was amazing!  It was crispy, crunchy, with just the right amount of sweet, cinnamon and nuttiness that I enjoy.  I absolutely love it for breakfast with vanilla Greek yogurt and berries.  The whole family has been gobbling it down, too.  It’s also a great snack.  I don’t always enjoy yogurt by itself – so with a few extra ingredients it’s really a treat.

So, I decided to see if I could replicate the store version.  I used almost all of the same ingredients (with the exception of no brown sugar).   I was pleased to find that I could find pumpkin seeds at our local Fareway store.  All the other ingredients I had on hand.  I got in a granola kick a few years back, and kinda forgot all about it.  I realized that it is so simple to make, and it leaves your home filled with a lovely vanilla cinnamon smell – yes!

I stored it in mason jars – mason jars are just plain fun and a great way for keeping that clean organized look.  This recipe made enough that I gave some away.  I used the smaller pint sized mason jars and tied a ribbon around the top.  Easy, simple, and an easy homemade gift.  Enjoy!



Homemade Granola

Homemade Granola

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Serving Size 10 servings


  • 4 c. rolled oats
  • 1 c. coconut unsweetened
  • 1/2 c. dried cranberries or dried apples, raisins, pineapple
  • 1/3 c. chopped pecans or almonds
  • 1/3 c. pumpkin seeds
  • dash of salt
  • 1 T. cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 t. vanilla
  • 1/4 c. honey or maple syrup, agave
  • 1/4 c. coconut oil or canola


  • Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
  • Combine dry ingredients (excluding dry fruit): oats, coconut, nuts, seeds, salt, cinnamon.
  • Combine wet ingredients: vanilla, honey, coconut oil. Adjust taste to taste - if needed
  • Spread on baking sheet for 35 - 40 minutes, tossing twice.
  • Stir in dried fruit after baking, and let cool. Store in an airtight container - mason jar works great.

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