Homemade Maple Syrup
Our Christmas Brunch is right around the corner and I have lists all over the place! Meal planning lists, grocery lists, gift lists, overnight guest lists—–the little calendar boxes for December are filling right up!
This homemade syrup is a must! And…. its one I can make way ahead of time. It will be sitting waiting for our brunch in a few days. I wish I could tap these old maple trees in my back yard, but unfortunately they are not the right kind. The “maple syrup” maple trees are north and east of our midwest home, so maple extract is the best I can do.
Oh, there went Joe through the drive!
This recipe only takes a couple of minutes to prepare. Really. We think its so much better than any store-bought. Served up warm in a pretty pitcher makes a memory, if you ask me.

Oh, let me tell you about my little green pitcher. Years ago when are kids were small–only 3 children at this time, we traveled to the east coast. Visited Jamestown, where some of the first settlers made their home. Nearby was a glass shop, a handblown glass shop where all the glass products were made from hot sand by a gifted artist. We watched the artist maneuver the hot ball of glass and form it into this pitcher. What ability that takes!! So, every time I fill my little green pitcher up with maple syrup, I think of our family, our trip and that artist making our table “centerpiece” while we eat our pancakes, waffles and french toast.
- 1 C light corn syrup
- ½ C brown sugar
- ½ C water
- Dash maple flavoring (extract or imitation)
- 1 T butter
- In a saucepan combine first 3 ingredients, cook and stir until sugar is dissolved. (Do not boil.)
- Add butter and flavoring, stir together and serve.
During this Christmas season, is your heart “treasuring up” the reason we celebrate?
Oh, what a special time of year it is. I just read from Luke 2, “and Mary treasured up all these things in her heart.” She, being a teenager, had just had a baby….in a shed, with her loving Joseph, probably both scared to death, yet they knew they had been hand selected by the One who made them, to carry out some amazing plans. One of their first astonishments came when the wide-eyed shepherds showed up with their unbelievable story (for most), but not for Joseph and Mary, as they had already experienced some unbelievable things most people would quite easily dismiss and laugh about…..and perhaps say, “Foolishness.”
What I visualize from the sentence is this: “And Mary treasured up all these things in her heart,” is Mary’s treasure chest beginning to be filled up, from the very first visit (story 1) of the angel announcing to her that she would be the mother of the Savior OF THE WORLD! Just think of that treasure chest of true stories filled to the brim by the end of her life. Oh what that woman witnessed! She went from a young Jewish girl selected to give birth to Jesus, Son of God, to the agony of His rejection, murder……..RESURRECTION………….to seeing many believe on Him and be saved. I cannot wait to lay eyes on her in heaven. How about you?
Oh let us fix our eyes on Jesus this Christmas season, as well! All the trimmings are just that………trimmings…….keep your eyes fixed on the MAIN FOCUS, the Savior of the World who came to Save you and me as we place our eyes on Him and surrender our hearts and lives to follow Him. Luke 2 is a wonderful place to camp out. Grab a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, get comfy and read it slowly. It brings so much warmth and contentment.
I sincerely hope your are enjoying this season. I am praying for you, dear reader.