Hosanna in the Highest!
Luke 19: The Triumphal Entry

As the crowds were celebrating their new king’s triumphant entry with festive spirits, Jesus was contemplating His week ahead. Perhaps he was thinking about the crown of thorns He would be wearing soon. His mood was not joy-filled as theirs was. They were approaching their “King of Israel” with shouts of “Hosanna in the Highest!!” Translation of “Hosanna”: Save us now. The palm branches were waved and thrown down for the donkey to walk on. This was a tradition showing respect and honor to their king, often displayed for parading military heroes after winning their battles, as well.
As He approached His beloved Jerusalem, Jesus was filled with sadness….with heartache, for He knew His own would reject Him. He wept Read Luke 19:41-44
And this same question still exists for us today, just as it did over 2,000 years ago.
What will you do with this Jesus?
Accept Him, believing and trusting in Him, or reject Him.
There is only One who saves…..only one Savior; only one true God. John 14:6 “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him.’ ”
And only Jesus brings peace………lasting peace.
This “holy week” let us reflect and meditate on God’s word and His work as we read in the 4 gospels the events that took place from Palm Sunday to Easter’s Resurrection.
The accounts: Luke 19, beginning in v 28; Mark 11; Matthew 21; John 12, beginning in v 12.
Praying that your words (God’s Words) will touch many hearts.
Thanks, Joan. We want all to hear the wonderful message of God’s redemptive plan for us. You are a true encourager!