Hot Beef Sundae

Ok, so I am going to be honest…I did not know what a Hot Beef Sundae was until like – well, not so long ago.  The truth be told, on a sweltering day in mid- August, I was at our one and only County Fair, and this amazing dinner was served up to me.  Why did I not know about this until now!?!  How could I have missed this nostalgic Iowa meal after all these years?

Hot Beef Sundae

Well, it turns out to be a staple meal for many here in Iowa.  So I am sharing this with you today – hopefully all of you Midwesterners have experienced this in your life by now – if not, you need to – and soon!

A Hot Beef Sundae is much like your iconic Ice Cream Sundae – with the exception of it in the beef and potatoes form like this:

1st layer: bread / biscuit or noodles

2nd layer: taters – make it mashed p’taters

3rd layer: beef – shredded roast beef – make it Iowa Black  Angus Beef – use roast or beef tips

4th layer: gravy – mmm…gravy, a big ‘ol heap of it

Then garnish with a cherry or grape tomato on top (this is your maraschino cherry on top 😉

Extra fixin’s  include: shredded cheddar cheese and sour cream


Hot Beef Sundae

I  recently served this meal for our Sunday dinner with a side of our frozen Iowa sweetcorn.  We are so fortunate to be able to enjoy the summertime tastes year round in this state.

Hot Beef Sundae

As cattle ranchers, raising our home-grown beef, we have many possibilities when it comes to beef – and in this case – roast beef.

Hot Beef Sundae
Recipe type: dinner
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 1
  • 1 slice of bread, biscuit, or 8-12 oz. of cooked egg noodles
  • 4-6 oz. of mashed potatoes
  • 4- 6oz. shredded roast beef
  • 2-4 oz. of beef gravy
  • 1 cherry or grape tomato
  • salt and pepper as desired
  • extra toppings (as desired): shredded cheddar cheese, sour cream
  • Serve in an ice cream dish
  1. Layer ingredients in order listed. Serve warm.


Check out other favorite recipes made with BEEF:

Beef Stew

Taco Soup

Taco Meat

Hearty Beef Vegetable Soup


Simple Italian Meatballs

Healthy Beef Stir Fry

Beef and Pasta Toss

Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich








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