How Did you Celebrate Independence Day?
The 4th of July is behind us and we, here in Iowa, are entering into a hot and muggy week. In Southwest Iowa, we are needing rain, so we would certainly appreciate your prayers. (Prayer works, ya know!)
How did you spend your 4th of July weekend? Please let us know as we would love to hear from you. We celebrated in our backyard with a festive meal, wonderful conversation and a few decorations.

The evening ended with a couple games we could all play together. Fun! We loved it. To cap off the night, Mr. Farmer, Jenny and I drove a ways to see a fantastic fireworks show in Waukee, a suburb of Des Moines. We left a little later from home that we had anticipated, and to our delight there was a parade of fireworks all the way to Des Moines. We got parked and made it to a grassy knoll just in time for an amazing display right in front on us. We smiled through the entire show. And of course what we heard at the end was horn honking, clapping and shouting from all around. What emotion was manifested from the crowd! It was a magnificent display of patriotism from all around. Yes, from proud Americans!
We love our free country so much, don’t you? Flying our beautiful flag and encouraging 4th of July celebrations are a very big part of who we are as Americans. We have been taught since we were very young that God has given us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration of Independence so states this because Godly men knew the importance of this as they signed it into being. We must take a stand for our freedoms. Let us never be silenced about our freedoms in America and more importantly our freedom in Christ Jesus, our Savior, who laid down His life so that we would have forgiveness of sins and life eternally. Be strong in the Lord and never give up hope. We are journeying through this life and our final destination is complete and total freedom. Keep that in the forefront of your thinking. Truth is from God’s word which is so important to live by. Keep reading and acting upon your your faith. Light up your world for Christ by loving others and sharing truth. The truth will set you free!
” So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32