I Am David by Jimmy Evans {and a giveaway}

***Giveaway has now ended. Congrats to Cathy T! Enjoy!***

As I write this, our county (Riverside, CA) has just issued a curfew of 6 p.m. My friend, whose husband is a police officer, has just texted me to ask for prayer for safety for him. My husband works at a Mercedes dealership, and today they had to park the cars in a different storage location so that looters would not damage them. People are angry and scared and it seems as if the world has turned upside down.  We are still amidst quarantine restrictions in CA, and it feels as if we just can’t take another hard thing. 

I’m reading a book right now called I Am David, by Jimmy Evans. Its all about the biblical figure of King David, and it is perfect for this very unique, dark time. 

I am David by Jimmy Evans

Once again I realize that God has brought me a special book for a very specific time in my life. I am being so encouraged and so comforted by what I’m reading about David, and I want to tell you all about it and to pass this book on to one of our readers in a giveaway (see below). 

I am David by Jimmy Evans

You may hear the name King David and think of the man who conquered the giant and is considered the greatest king of the nation of Israel. I know that’s how I have thought of him for many years. But this book is helping me to take a much deeper look into David’s life and to learn more about how he was able to get past many hurts and many mistakes in order that God could accomplish great things through him.  

I am David by Jimmy Evans

David was rejected by his father and hunted by King Saul. He made some pretty big mistakes including adultery and murder. But he was able to become great because he trusted God, worshiped God, and sought forgiveness from God. 

I am David by Jimmy Evans


So as I’m reading I Am David during these very strange, difficulty, confusing times, I recognize that David also went through very difficult times as well. He had to fight off wild animals while he was a shepherd boy, he had to hide from a murderous king for over ten years, and he even lost a child as a consequence for some very bad decisions. But God used him in such a mighty way, and David’s words of worship are still with us today. In fact, my favorite Psalm, the 34th Psalm, was written by David. It encourages and strengthens me every time I read it. David was able to accomplish God’s will for him because he trusted in the Lord. This gives me so much hope. 

I will bless the Lord at all times;
    his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
    let the humble hear and be glad.
Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
    and let us exalt his name together!

I sought the Lord, and he answered me
    and delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant,
    and their faces shall never be ashamed.
This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him
    and saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord encamps
    around those who fear him, and delivers them.

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
    Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!

I am David by Jimmy Evans

So grab a copy of this encouraging, strengthening book. Did I mention that each chapter contains prayers and a study guide? (P.S. This would be a perfect Father’s Day gift!) And comment below to enter our giveaway. We’ll pick a random winner on Friday and send you this beautiful book. 

I am David by Jimmy EvansCheck out these other amazing books:

None Like Him

None Like Him By Jen WilkinCourageous Women of the Bible 

Courageous Women of the Bible

Talking to Jesus 

Talking to Jesus by Jeannie Blackmer


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  1. I would love a copy of the David book. David was such a unique man – committer of such grievous sins but still God’s warrior. And as you say perhaps perfect to study during this time of such unrest and violence.

  2. This sounds exactly what we need. Just reading what you had to say about it, that gave me a sense of peace. Thank you so much.

  3. All the featured books above look so wonderful and “I Am David” sounds like the very best because of who David was in his life, faults & heroics, and an unwavering focus on God! And aren’t we Blessed to have the incredible benefits of his Psalms!!! This book sounds like a treasure!

  4. Wow…we need more David’s in our world…what a great giveaway, thank you…I know the winner will be blessed (hope the winner is me 🙂)…would love to have this book.

  5. This sounds like a wonderful book to read and all the others you mentioned. I’m so worried for all of you in Southern California at this time. Annie I’m praying for you and your family. I’m also praying for your friends husband and all the other police through all of this troubling times of riots, looting and violence.

  6. It sounds like a book that I would need to read for “times such as these”. I am always inspired by your blog and admire how your family can do this together. PTL

  7. Wow, sounds like a book we need to read. Perfect in these times. We are all so human, like David. Thanks, for a so forgiving God!

  8. This is what we all need during this time of pandemic, riots, fires and hate. Now more than ever, we all need God in our lives and hearts!

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