I Wonder, Exploring God’s Grand Story (+ a giveaway)

I always get a little excited when one year ends and we have the opportunity to begin a new year. It’s invigorating to plan new foods to eat, new places to see, new ways of exercising, and new books to read. What new things are you looking forward to this year?

I was thinking through which new books I wanted to read to my boys this year (my girls have mostly outgrown the read aloud stage, sadly!), and I realized that I would love to do a Bible book that has an overview approach of the entirety of God’s Word. We are studying the book of James in depth in our Bible curriculum, but I also wanted to read to them a book that reviews some of the main stories in the Bible.

Then, providentially, our friend Glenys Nellist sent me her newest book, I Wonder: Exploring God’s Grand Story.

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I Wonder

…how God could make life out of dust.

…what it would be like to hear Jesus teaching.

…if God still does impossible things.

Glenys Nellist, I Wonder

Something that we love about this book is the whimsical, bright illustrations. The boys love them! There are sixteen Old Testament stories, including some of my favorites: Joseph, Rahab, and Elijah. And there are fifteen New Testament stories, including many of Jesus’ parables and accounts for his life.

Table of Contents - I Wonder: Exploring God's Grand Story: an Illustrated Bible
Table of Contents Preview Image - 3 of 10 - I Wonder: Exploring God's Grand Story: an Illustrated Bible

Excerpt Preview Image - 7 of 10 - I Wonder: Exploring God's Grand Story: an Illustrated Bible
photo credits:
Excerpt Preview Image - 8 of 10 - I Wonder: Exploring God's Grand Story: an Illustrated Biblewww.christianbook.com

This is how the book begins..

No one heard the Word. The birds didn’t hear it. The trees didn’t hear it. The mountains didn’t hear it … because they had not been created yet. The Word came soft, like a whisper when there was nothing. The Word came into an empty world where it hovered and hung over the darkness of the deep. And just for a moment, there was nothing but silence. And when the time was just right, God’s voice echoed into the silence and whispered the world into being…

Glenys Nellist, I wonder

Following each story you’ll find three open-ended questions that invite children to ponder and encourage them to discuss with you.
For example: I Wonder… if God still whispers. Or, I Wonder… how far God had to bend down to reach the dust.

This book is recommended by the publisher for ages 4-8, but my older boys have also really enjoyed this book. If you’re looking for a Bible resources the share with some very special kids in your life (children, grandchildren, Sunday school kids, AWANA kids), I Wonder is for you.

We are giving away one copy of I Wonder. Just enter a comment below! I’ll draw a random winner on Wednesday, January 5th. This giveaway is sponsored by Zonderkidz and is open to entrants in the USA with a physical street address (no PO boxes.)

You can also purchase the book on Amazon an on Christian Book Distributors.

Here are a few other of our Favorite Bible Story Books for Kids.

The Bible in Pictures for little eyes 5

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  1. Thank you for sharing the information about “I Wonder…” book to read to my little ones and other children and adults. This book provides an opportunity for all to be creative in art, writing, music and more to express thoughts about God and the world. Mary

  2. An amendment to previous comment. I’ll gladly pay the additional shipping costs to British Columbia, Canada.
    By the way, my little neighbor girl, its her mom that is a new Christian and I share your monthly Scripture Readings!

  3. This would be a blessing to read to my four grandchildren, thanks for this fun giveaway!!

  4. I want to read this and I am the grandmother. It sounds fabulous and I think I would even greatly benefit by sharing it with my grandchildren and then letting them pass it on to their Sunday school teachers.

  5. What a wonderful book to read to our children and grandchildren with the beautiful pictures and stories. Sometimes even as adults it helps us to understand stories written so children can understand with child like faith.

  6. I’d love to add this to my grandsons’ and grandgirlie’s book collection. We’ve yet to celebrate Christmas with them because of sickness this December, but they’re traveling here in 2 weeks. Can’t wait!

    1. Congratulations Deb! You have been chosen the giveaway winner for the book “I Wonder.” Please email us at theginghamapron@gmail.com with your full name and mailing address by Saturday, January 8th. Thank you for reading The Gingham Apron!

  7. This looks like such a great book to share with my girls. Trying to be so intentional in teaching them about Jesus and His love for them.

  8. This is a wonderful book. I have gotten it for two of my grandchildren but would like one at my house too. It is such a wonderful way to learn about God. Thank you, Glenys.

  9. I would love to gift this book to the two young sons of our youth minister. Although I just might have to read it first myself.

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