IF 7:14…………..Today

It’s time for REVIVAL in our LAND!!!

Check this website out, my friends! Please……………check this out.


Photo Courtesy of Pixaby


What exactly does if714 mean, you may ask?

We’ve been witnessing on our news some pretty horrendous accounts going on in our nations the past couple weeks. HORRENDOUS. We all agree on this! Our country is having some major difficulties and it seems our people are not united. We are hurting. But God……………


There is something REALLY BIG we can do to make a difference. PRAY.

Holiness, Love, Silhouette, Kneeling, Kindness

Photo Courtesy of Pixaby

Yes, we can pray individually for our hurting nation and we can pray within our families. We are praying within our churches, yet even something bigger is happening and it’s called IF 7:14

And because today is July 14th, (7-14)  if714 is launching an hourly prayer time all day long that we can take part in. I do hope you will.


Please check out this fine organization and let’s come together, throughout the WORLD (yes, I did say throughout our world) and pray for our nation. Yes, people from all over the world are signing up, downloading the if714app and asking for text messages to come their way twice a day, reminding us to pray together! And the Lord is pleased!!


I have been getting a text message every morning at 7:14 a.m. and 7:14 p.m. for quite awhile now.  It’s so encouraging to me to get these texts morning and evening. I stop. I pray—and I’m praying with thousands. Come along.

Cross, Sunset, Silhouette, Human, Kneeling, Knee, Pray

Photo courtesy of Pixaby

The Newsboys (well-known Christian band) is spreading this initiative all over the world where they give their concerts. And they will be at the Iowa State Fair, too! Come see them. I’ll be there.

Photo courtesy of Newsboys official site.

It’s as easy as pie……………much easier. Get on the band wagon and help bring revival to America. It’s time!

2 Chronicles 7:14

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Photo courtesy by Pixaby

If you’d like to read more about prayer, check out these posts


My Prayer Notebook

Give Your Worry to the Lord 


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