Impromptu Hay field Picnic

I was on my little green lawn mower the other morning justa mowin’ away  and minding my own business when I sensed something right behind me. Yep, it was a great big tractor pulling a hay rake–RIGHT behind me! 2 cute guys threw open the door and climbed crawled down the ladder over to me. “Wanna come to a picnic with us?” little Jack asked. “We’ll be right down that hill, over there to the west if you want to me us and the rest of the family,” Joe hollered out. “Call Dad and Jen and come on down. Bring a little food for yourselves. ” And with that, they turned, climbed back up the green stairs and slammed the door. Their big rig was gone in a flash. I waved and smiled as my heart burst forth in joy!

When we arrived, Joe and Jack had a spot all picked out for us with a little bit of shade. The sun was straight up so it was a little bit of a task to find shade, but we made it work. Molly and Ava followed us into the field, then here came Mr. Farmer. You’d think we were invited to The Ritz, the way everyone had a big smile on their faces and a little spring in their step. We were taking time out for each other and it made us feel special…..every one of us.

At home Molly and I threw into our laundry baskets what we could quickly find to satisfy the little crew. We bowed our heads and gave thanks for the food, the gorgeous day and our family. Then we shared our meal with each other. We munched on crackers and cheese for our appetizer, turkey and ham sandwiches with chips for our main course, and fruit and cookies for our dessert. The juice boxes were a hit with the kiddos. Joy!

There was absolutely nothing fancy about our meal, yet we relished every last bite.

Ava’s been taking a summer gymnastics class. Can you tell?? She loves it!

Ava took a quick 4-wheeler ride to cool off a bit. She loves driving this machine. She’s checking out the windrows of hay close beside her.

A blanket to sit on, rich conversation, ordinary food and a ball to kick around  made for an enjoyable little picnic! Joy!


With smudges on Jack’s little face, he waves good-bye. The Juicy-Juice hit the spot for him on this hot day!

The men had haymaking to do so the picnic was short……but… sweet it was! Just a tiny bit of time carved out of the day made a big difference to us all. One spur-of-the-moment  idea manifested itself into a beautiful field gathering. Joy!

I challenge myself and you, as well, to make some ordinary moments into something special. The memories will live on in our hearts!

Let’s keep making the memories.

A little act of kindness goes a long, long way!  Joy!

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