Inspiring and Uplifting Podcasts
Do you listen to any podcasts? I LOVE podcasts and find that they can take a mundane time of day and turn it into an uplifting, energizing, and inspiring time. I listen to my podcasts while I mop the kitchen floor, fold another load of laundry, or drive my kids around town to their activities. I find that I get new ideas and often a new attitude along the way. It’s like I’ve invited a good friend into my home for an invigorating conversation. Today I thought I’d share a few of my favorites with you in hopes that you mind find the life-giving encouragement I’ve found. (All of them can be found on itunes or at the speaker’s websites. Links are included below).
1. At Home with Sally and Friends Podcast
Sally Clarkson is hands-down one of my favorite authors. She has written many books about the beauty and excitement of Christian living. She writes and speaks on grace-filled living, the beauty of God’s world, choosing joy over defeat, and many other inspiring topics. She covers a VERY wide variety of topics that include art, literature, parenthood, hospitality, and homemaking. I have learned so much from her twenty-thirty minute weekly podcasts. For example, a few weeks ago, she and a friend discussed the very difficult but fruitful life of C.S. Lewis. And around Christmas time last year, she gave an idea for a shepherd’s meal, a candle-light meal spent with children when we pretended we were the shepherds whom the angels visited on the night of Jesus’ birth. The kids adored this have talked about that many times! I always come away from listening to At Home with Sally feeling refreshed, energized, and desiring to experience more of God’s goodness.

This podcast is hosted by Susie Davis, a pastor’s wife and mother from Austin, Texas. Susie has a very calm, soothing, loving way about her, and she desires to encourage women in their walk with the Lord. She says, “With every episode, we hope to pass along wisdom and advice to make your life a little more beautiful.” I love how she interviews or just has a conversations with “spiritual mamas” (those who are further down the road in their spiritual journey) and “spiritual daughters” (those who are newer in their faith). In the last Dear Daughters Podcast that I listened to, Susie had a conversation with two friends about how to simplify hospitality, and I came away with so many good ideas about how to show love to people in my very imperfect home.

Durenda is a mom of eight children and a homeschooler. Her podcasts are usually about motherhood, which applies heavily to me as a mom of five kids. Durenda is a very strong woman who loves God’s word and trusts that if we will simply obey it, we can find God’s purpose for our lives. She talks about loving our kids and sharing our faith with them in simple, realistic ways. She shares the nuts and bolts of homeschooling, and I especially love when she interviews her adult kids to get their opinions about their education. Durenda encourages moms to simplify life and trust in the Lord, messages of which I really needed to be reminded.

4. Poddy Break with Tim Hawkins
If you need to lighten up your day and have a good laugh, find this podcast. Are you familiar with Tim Hawkins, the Christian comedian and entertainer? If not, google him right now because his outrageous personality and observations on life with get you belly-laughing. In his podcast, he simply records his conversations with his family members/employees as they travel from show to show in a bus. Random, hilarious, fun! Proverbs 17:22, “A cheerful heart is good medicine.”

I love the Trim Healthy Mamas, Pearl and Serene, who have written amazingly successful books about women’s food choices and health. These two sisters talk about all things health and diet and female related on their podcast, and I always get new ideas for exercise and scrumptious, nourishing food. Their zeal for life and all of God’s abundance is contagious! It’s also fun to listen to them because they are from New Zealand and have beautiful accents.

Ok, so now it’s your turn! Do you listen to any great podcasts? I’d love to check out some new ones!