June on the Farm

There is so much going on in June! Work, of course. Always work, work work!! The guys are making hay (first cutting), and spraying corn…..2nd time around. With spraying, there are pre-emergence and post-emergence applications…………. and I’ll get to that at a later date. 🙂 The weather is to be hot and sunny for the next few days. That means long hours for the guys. Hay is particular, a lot like mowing the lawn. Can’t do it in the morning or later in the evening because it’s damp and tough. If you roll it up in those conditions, guess what? Umhum…..moldy hay. And guess what? You can’t fool those cows, or horses! They will not eat moldy hay! You know the old saying, “Gotta make hay when the sun’s a shinin”??? Absolutely right on!

But right now I want to share in the beauty that surrounds me. May and June are the “pretty” months around here because everything is so green and lush. The May and June flowers are my favorites. I do praise God, our Maker, for the beauty which surrounds me.

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When I see this beautiful row of peonies, I thank God for my blessed mother-in-law, for she planted this stunning row many many moons ago. I wish you all could’ve have known her. She was full of grace and beauty, accepting and loving me unconditionally. (Actually, she was angelic!) ha! Always ready to help me. Taught me a lot about flowers, birds, little chirpers (the raising of children) and Jesus. How I miss that Maxine. She reflected her Savior constantly.      i’m workin’ on it!!

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From front: hardy geranium, blue salvia and peonies
Garden shed
Garden shed

Actually I have 2 gardening sheds, full of tools and creative garden items. I love my little sheds and my flower gardens where I can be MESSY (and it doesn’t bother), create and be inspired by so many varieties of plants and flowers. It’s very therapeutic for me. I especially love perennials, so I try to keep something blooming from early spring to the last budding chrysanthemum (did I spell that right, Anne of Green Gables?) in late fall. See that little blue bird house? Bennett picked it out for me. He’s 6 and we talk about birds a lot. His next-door neighbor attracts many types of birds and he can identify them! He’s always paying attention to the birds when we are outdoors. Wait til he sees what I have in my bluebird house. 🙂

My favorite flower, you ask? Hands down…… delphinium. It’s that tall blue one in front of the garden shed. It is a bi-ennial plant which has to be replanted from time to time. They are getting pricier….probably because of their popularity. I read that farther north, even in Alaska, they grow to be 6 ft tall. How I would love that!

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The sunset on a rather stormy night last week. Had to run and fetch my camera as the western sky was full of pink, yellow and orange with the black lacy trees as a front drop.

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The LORD Almighty says, “My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun.” Mal 1:11

How are we doing on making His name great in this nation?

I’ll get to the beauty of the farm fields surrounding me next time…..the corn, the sprouting of the beans, the beautiful alfalfa fields and the little (really big) hay bales spotting the countryside fields. In the meantime………

May we reflect Your glory today, Lord. Your creation certainly is doing a fine job around here. I praise, You, in Jesus Name. Amen


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