Last of the Mohicans, I Mean BLTs
Of course, the Mohicans were more important! They were a beautiful native American Indian tribe who got wiped out by mankind….that is another post for another time. My focus today is BLTs and I am sad.
“Sad??” you say. Yes, I’m sad…..for you see, the BLT is my all-time favorite, favorite sandwich. It has to be just so. I’m very picky about my BLT. And actually, if you really want to know the truth, for me there is no L in the BLT. It is called the BT. The lettuce is left out (I just added it in these frames for color effect. ) Yes, it has to be hickory smoked Iowa bacon, tomatoes, IOWA fresh from my garden and either toasted homemade bread, English muffin bread, or fresh bakery boulle, The spread is BUTTER, not margarine, not mayonnaise, not Miracle Whip….every-so-good soft butter, and a lot of it. And then….salt and pepper. I love pepper, too!
I went out to mow and mulch the other day and decided it was time…………time to gather the Last of the Mohicans………..tomatoes, and mow off the droopy, grassy tomato plants. I pulled out the tomato supports, picked all the remaining tomatoes (green ones included) and mowed off the plants. Yes, it was a sad day in November. On the other hand I do need to count my blessings here because we have been eating on fresh, home grown tomatoes since late July!! Let me tell you, we have gone through a lot of thick sliced, hickory smoked bacon around here!

Often times my tomato plants get hit with a blythe, but not this year. I moved the planting spot to another area of the garden, and I think that one strategy cured it….for this season anyway.

And you ask, “Why did you pick the green ones?” Because some will still turn red, but the ones that don’t will be used to make a batch of green tomato pickles. That son, Joe, LOVES green tomato pickles. He’s a chip off the old block… Mr. Farmer loves them, too. One more lesson I learned from my wonderful mother-in-law, Maxine. She was the best and my heart still aches when I think of the great loss in my life. She LOVED ME UNCONDITIONALLY AND TAUGHT ME SO MUCH!

There are still a very few little tomatoes left in my garage. I’m watching them carefully!