Life’s HARD Battles
What do you do when life does not serve you up a bowl of cherries every day? We each face ugly battles from time to time. Some we see coming, others seem to appear out of nowhere and take our strength away. We even say to ourselves, “Where did that come from???” What are we suppose to do when we are in the midst of a spiritual battle? A big one.
This song will give you a clue as to some spiritual tactical weapons we are to utilize as believers in Christ Jesus. To me, this song “The Battle Belongs to the Lord,” by Phil Wickham is a breath of fresh air and a big reminder to run. Yes, run. Not away from our trials and battles but run to God.
This song brings so much comfort to me because our Good God’s perspective does not look like mine. Never. My human mind will never face problems like our incomprehensible God’s mind will.
For months I sing along with Phil when I hear it on the radio or view it on YouTube. The lyrics go something like this:
When all I see is the battle, You see my victory
When all I see is the mountain, You see a mountain moved
And as I walk through the shadow, Your love surrounds me
There’s nothing to fear now for I am safe with You
And if You are for me, who can be against me? Yeah
For Jesus, there’s nothing impossible for You
When all I see are the ashes, You see the beauty
Thank You God
When all I see is a cross, God, You see the empty tomb
Almighty fortress, You go before us
Nothing can stand against the power of our God
You shine in the shadow, You win every battle
Nothing can stand against the power of our God
So when I fight, I’ll fight on my knees
With my hands lifted high
Oh God, the battle belongs to You
And every fear I lay at Your feet
I’ll sing through the night
Oh God, the battle belongs to You
Look especially at the chorus. God tells us over and over again that prayer and worship become mighty weapons when we face battles. Battles too big to face alone. This world certainly does not have the answer to victory. We cannot count on the world’s answers. Not now and not ever.
Recently, in our couple’s bible study, we studied this particular passage about a battle found in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30. Please grab your bible and give it a read. You’ll be glad you did. (I really enjoyed reading it from the Message bible, as well.) This passage has become a treasure to me.
Well, to sum it up, the King found himself in a really big fix! He was scared to death….not just for his own life but for all the people he was responsible for. (Yes, a whole LOT of people!) And so:
He humbled himself and prayed. He went to Jehovah God for help.
He ordered a fast. Yes, a fast for himself and all the people of his country. And….the nation united themselves around this leader, listened and obeyed. (I must admit that I do not fast as I should.)
They all came together to pray.
The king prayed aloud to acknowledge who God is and declared his faith and trust in the most high God.
And through God’s prophet, God gave an answer to the King and his people.
God told them to not be afraid, but to believe.
God told them that battle was His and that He’d win the battle. He alone would get the victory

King J knelt with His face to the ground.
They all prayed, worshipped together and SANG !!! Yes, they all praised at the top of their lungs.
The king appointed a choir to march out in front of the troops, singing away. “Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King…His love endures forever!!”
And… The Huge Cherry on Top
Read on, my sweet friends. Please read on! Scribble in the margins. Take notes. Yes, study and strengthen your faith. It was just one big miracle after another. When God says,” You let Me take care of this, My dear ones. He means what He says. He asks us to come to Him. He asks us to believe in Him. He tells us to pray and believe, to Worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And to stand firm on that blessed Word. And then….leave the big huge burden with Him and walk away, knowing He means what He says.
And the end of this true story? Well, you’ll stand and cheer when you read the end. Yes, this ending will absolutely take your breath away. You will be astonished and cheer you’re way through it.
Our God, the One True God is……..FOR US! His love is never-ending and filled to the brim each and every day for us….constant and rich is His glorious mercy and grace for us.
Camp on this scripture passage for awhile and just see how it transforms and strengthens your faith during this blessed time of year.
Bless you all, my dear friends.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful & timely
devotional “Life’s hard battles”, touched me
in a way God knew that I needed!! He is for us!!
And now to read 2 Chronicles 20:1 -30… His TRUTH
Linda, Thank you for your heart-touching response. In our lives of ups and downs, some of the downs are more devastating that what can be imagined. But God! Our Father knows all and He is the greatest helper. He even uses the awful for good. May the Lord continue to shine His face upon you and give you great peace during your difficult path.
Merry Christmas! Denise
A beautiful song of witness.Wow!
Thank you for sharing.
I recently watched King and Country singing Little Drummer Boy. It touches the heart.
I enjoy reading about your family and of course the recipes!
A Blessed Christmas,