Light of the World

The sun rose over our horizon about 7:25 this morning. The days are getting shorter……the nights longer. What does that mean? It’s simple…’s all about the light. With day there is light. With night there is darkness. With light there is clarity of vision.
The One who created light calls Himself “The LIGHT of the world.” The bible, God’s word, says that light exposes darkness. Light reveals things. The light of the world reveals our sinful, selfish nature who chooses to hang onto the reins of our lives.

This morning light burst forth up over the horizon. The exposure of light onto the dark pasture revealed trees, fence rows, cattle, pond, buildings and dirt road.

Just minutes before this scene……. only darkness. This glimmer of light revealed snow and leaves on green grass and a unique cloud formation in our eastern sky. It created shadows on our walls and exposed droplets of water on the window pane. The light makes all things shiny and bright.
The light exposed the wording on the Christmas plate which sat in the darkness on the table. “Oh Come, all ye faithful.”

I John 1:5 “This is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.”
Light of the world You shone down into darkness, opened my eyes….let me see. His light reveals our sinfulness. His light shows us there is a Creator who has prepared plans and purposes for each one of us. Yes, each one of us. He loves and cares for each one of us. His love is radical. His love is unconditional. His love offers us mercy, grace, and forgiveness of our sins and life eternally with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.
What is Christmas?
People can make Christmas to be whatever they want it be, but that doesn’t change the true meaning of this glorious day. Please read John 14:6.
Light shone in the darkness. Light revealed the need for a Rescuer. The light of the world came to rescue sinners like you and me.
Invite the “Light of the world, ” Jesus Christ, into your life. Not on your terms. On His terms. There is only one way to the Cross. Believe in Him, submit your life to Him, obey Him, live for Him. Life in Him is a far better life than life without Him. It’s the hardest thing a person can do to let go of the reins and let the One who made you receive those reins out of your hands. The ride is safer. He knows where He’s going to lead you because He knows the way…..all of it….from start to finish.
Steps to peace with God follow:
This Christmas is the perfect time to give yourself to One who made you…………full of Light and Truth and Grace and Love and Forgiveness.