Lion Pancakes for Kids
We had a birthday a while back at our house (we have a lot of those with 5 kids!). I wanted to make something special for the birthday boy, who was turning 8, but I needed something quick and easy. Enter… Lion Pancakes. They were a hit!
We started with a boxed pancake mix. (If you’re craving homemade pancakes, check out these banana pancakes…yum!) Eyes: halved grapes, Nose: a halved strawberry, Mane: orange sections, and Whiskers: melted chocolate chips (in a squirty bottle).
Simple, fun, and even a little bit nutritious! The kids loved them!
I was reminded of these verses while we whipped these up:
Psalm 127:3
Children are a gift from the Lord;
they are a reward from him.Psalm 118:34
This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.