Little Miracles
Mr. Farmer found the cutest photo op in the pasture the other day, so he brought this “op” home for all the grand kids, kids and Mrs. Farmer to see close up.
Little Miracles. At first they were so little they could walk right under Mama without even lowering their heads. Their names are 70 and 71. 🙂
And, of course they like breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack, suppertime and midnight snack together. (And, of course, they wouldn’t cooperate for me and eat at the same time so that I wouldn’t make a liar out of myself!) Trust me……it is quite a sight with 70 on one side and 71 on the other having their dinner. So far there have been no arguments that I have witnessed.
Aren’t they cute??? 🙂
This Mama is what is called ” a first calf heifer.”
Now….often times these little ladies need a some training from their superiors.
But this new Mom is quiet, calm and gentle with “The Twins.” She doesn’t shove them away; she doesn’t have a favorite and she seems to be giving them plenty to eat. They are thriving.
We are enjoying sneaking up behind a tree or building and getting a “bird’s eye view” of this glorious threesome.
We rarely have twins in our herd, so it’s been a real treat to watch close up as these little pip-squeaks enjoy staying close by their mama, eating some green grass, and snuggling up together to rest.
Simply Precious
“For every animal of the forest is mine,
and the cattle on a thousand hills.
I know every bird in the mountains,
and the creatures of the field are mine.”
Psalm 50: 10-11
What a great story and they are beautiful!!
Thanks, Dotty, for your encouragement. They have been fun for us to peek in on. Mom and twins are thriving!