Livin’ Free and Thanking God For It!
The holidays are upon us! Early this morning as I was listing the Thanksgiving menu items, I received a text………”What can I bring for Thanksgiving dinner?” Another daughter asked last week…”What can we bring?” Little by little the game plan is coming together for a special day…a holy day….one set aside for giving thanks to God and for spending deliberate fun and festive times with family. The lists have begun, as the hosts, across this magnificent nation, are planning for a day with loved ones around their tables….to celebrate a truly unique holiday that many folks around the world would love to participate in. We here in the United States of America can worship God freely….openly. We can give Him thanks publicly. Many cannot. Let us remember to bow our heads and thank our Heavenly Father for all His provisions for us, to remember those who gave their lives and bodies for our freedoms, and also for those in the world who would give anything to worship the One True God freely, openly…. without the fear of backlash and persecution.
Some text books in our schools today will tell you the pilgrims set out for America for a better life….a life of opportunities; however, many textbooks have left out the “religion” part entirely…..the real reason they left home and country, family, friends and community. Just like we are instructed from the book of Deuteronomy 6:6,7, we are to teach our children about the One True God when we wake, when we sit and when they stand we go to bed. In the same way, let’s remember to teach your children exactly why the pilgrims left their homes, left their loved ones, left their belongings, venturing across the big ocean, not in a swank ocean liner that many have experienced, but a small vessel, eating insect-ridden food, many dying of deceases, to get to a land where they could FREELY WORSHIP THE ONE TRUE GOD. Please remember to tell them.
The awful news we received regarding the Paris attacks this past week has awakened us; has shifted our thinking into alert mode; has dumped some fear into our hearts. But this is what the Lord Jesus instructs us for this global journey, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” As children of the Living God, we must fix our eyes on Jesus. The fear dissipates.
“Do not let your hearts be trouble. Trust in God; trust also in Me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am.” And where He is, there is no fear. None. Trust in the Lord.
Last night at church a large group gathered to give thanks for and celebrate our successful small group in-home meetings which took place over the course of the fall months.
As the delicious dinner pot luck was finishing up, there happened to be a group of happy, rambunctious kiddos seeing how fast they could run, how loud they could be and how much fun they could have out in the commons area. Wish I had a picture to share. They were delightful! House rules were quickly overturned by shouts of joy, with peeling round corners and making motor noises (boys) and shrills (girls) of celebration. Three of us adults gathered them up and took them to safety……..the large nursery where they could be contained for a little while by a few games and stories. We ended with a coupled bible stories and action songs taken from the book of Daniel. which I’ve been settling into the past week or so. (The Message version has been a nice read.) What pops out above all else are two things:
*There is the One True God. All other gods are just that….lower g.
* And that if we worship the One True God….we will be taken care of. Did you hear that?
Now that’s everything to be thankful for.
Are we to live in fear in this present age?
Let’s put our noses in our bibles a bit more and in the news a little less. Our fears may just melt away.
There is a God in heaven. He loves us so much He sent His Son, the One and Only, to die for our sins so that we could have forgiveness and abundant living…….like Thanksgiving Day!!
John. 10:10 says, “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy.” I came to give you life…….life to the fullest.!”
What will you enjoy most on your Thanksgiving table? What games will you be playing? What are some of your traditions? I’d love to hear! I have to say I’m longing for a good piece of pumpkin pie with real whipped cream, washed down by a fabulous cup of coffee……mixed with great conversation, lots of laughter, hugs and kisses. I can’t wait! And….let the games begin! I love the competition. 🙂
I’m asking our guests to bring a Thanksgiving card with 4 things he or she is thankful for. I wonder what they will be.

I think the snow will be gone by Thursday or we’d probably have a sled train. (That’s a train of sleds tied one behind another, pulled by the 4-wheeler.) Boy does that make the grand kids squeal! Grandpa loves it more than the grandkids, I think! Perhaps the sled train will have to wait til Christmas.
We, here at the Gingham Apron, wish you and yours a Very Happy Thanksgiving. I know your hearts will swell as you recite what you are thankful for. It will be such an encouragement for all to hear.
Happy Thanksgibbon!!!! (as the children call it!!)
P.S. Have you seen our Christmas ebook? It’s filled with recipes, devotions, and traditions from our family’s celebration. You can have a copy absolutely free- our gift to you! Just scroll up to the top of this page.
I enjoyed the post! I especially liked the photo of the church pot luck. I grew going to a large farm church that had pot luck’s every third Thursday – for my entire life until I grew up and moved away. Churches here are so large now they hire chefs and have a complete restaurants inside the churches – or they don’t do anything at all. It hardly ever snows enough to use a sled here but I do remember dad pulling me around on the 4-wheeler one year out in the pasture that the livestock wasn’t in………….loads of fun!
Happy Thanksgiving! Kelli from YG
Thank you for stopping by, Kelli! We are delighted you commented! There truly are many layers to a potluck. Of course the food is delicious…..mostly comfort food which is heavenly. Then there is the fellowship—being united under the guise of 1 common thread….our Savior, Jesus Christ. The recipes, the crafting tips, the parenting tips and the family stories of faith, farming and our love for our country in uncertain times.
Sincerely, Denise.
Stopped by your blog post……yum on the broccoli cheese and rice casserole. Yes…..a must for Thanksgiving. 🙂
Thank you, Denise. I am thankful for you & your written words. They encourage my heart.