Love In Action & Jiggler Hearts

LOVE IN ACTION; what DOES that look like? Sometimes we play a game around our table by asking 2 questions? Worst part of the day?? Best part of the day? I was reminded of this game, also known as Roses and Thorns when I picked up a newfangled cartoon napkin I  purchased at the grocery store.

What if you could be the “best part of someone else’s day” by providing to that person a little “love in action”—-a little purposeful kindness? Can you think of something you would love to happen to you by another person?

I recently heard a Godly woman speak about encouragement. Wow, did that ever lift the spirits of the women in the room. Not only did she  speak on it, she gave us all kinds of goodies in our little goodie bag of items to bless others. She made a packet for each one of us in the room. There were well over 100 women!! What a act of kindness!!

Who comes to your mind right now, that you can extend a kind deed, a complimentary word, a card or prayer? Are you rich in good works, generous and ready to share? (I Timothy 6:18)

People love compliments. Can you place a smile on someone’s face today by saying, “Love that color on you………….or…..your laugh changes the atmosphere of the entire office…… just got your hair cut…so nice!” Those little words build people up, boost their self-worth and give them confidence to step out in faith on something they’ve wanted to do for awhile.

Write down 5 people you can uplift today. Then write down 5 ways to boost their worth and warm their hearts.

As born-again Christians, this should be our daily routine. We should be lighting up the world with our acts of kindness, our genuine concern, our listening ear, our prayers and care for each other.

Are you “ready for every good work?” (Titus 3:1) Are you speaking words of love and care rather than evil? (Titus 3:2) Are you showing perfect courtesy to all people? (Titus 3:2b)

How about sending out or giving out some special Valentines to your friends, neighbors, family members with a stick of gum or red sucker taped to the back? Have you come up with some names yet? Write them down.

Cookies and cupcakes are a wonderful gesture of LOVE this time of year. How about those cut-out cookies of hearts topped off with a few sprinkles? Better yet, text some friends and loved ones to come on over and bake, decorate or craft a few Valentines together?

Ask Jesus whom you can extend some love to today. He’ll impress those people on your mind and show you exactly how He wants you to show  you care. Yes, He works that way.

We would love to hear from you. Tell us here at the Gingham Apron some “Love in Action” you’re gonna try to do today….this week….for Valentine’s Day.


Maybe you aren’t  a baker and prefer not to cook. I have a fun little snack item for you that no one will pass up. Everyone loves a heart jiggling in your mouth. Dig out a heart cookie cutter or grab one at the store today, along with some JELL-O or gelatin and make a few of these little sweeties. They really do lighten the mood and place a smile on a face, whether they be old or young.

Of course you’re familiar with the JELL-O jiggler recipe on the box. Today I’ll share another one from a long-time friend of mine, Diane.

Love In Action & Jiggler Hearts
Recipe type: Snack, Dessert
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 
Total time: 
A very easy and great way to place a smile on the face of another. They just make people happy, when eating.
  • 4 packet unflavored gelatin
  • 3 small packages of Jello
  • 4 C boiling water
  • Another variation:
  • 1 C apple juice
  • 1 envelope of unflavored gelatin
  1. In microwave, boil water (or apple juice).
  2. Place gelatin in bowl. Add boiling water (or apple juice) dissolve.
  3. Pour into 8x8 (for apple juice recipe) or 9x13 and refrigerate for 3 hours.
  4. Use a heart cookie cutter and cut out hearts. Refrigerate until serving.


I took the leftovers, melted them in a saucepan and poured it into an 8×8 to firm up for even more hearts. Enjoy!

“Love one another as I have loved you.” John 13:34

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One Comment

  1. Denise, this was beautiful and inspiring! Thank you! I believe you will be the cause of many acts of “Love in Action” this week and beyond! My mind is whirring with people and ideas. Bless you!

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