Making a Difference
One April morning, on a chilly Saturday, my sister and her kids came out to spend the day with us. We decided we could make a fun work day while they visited, and cut down a couple of dead trees in our back yard.

As I was brushing off a pile of sticks with my broom from our lowboy onto our huge brush pile, I saw my nephew roaming around our big maple tree. Suddenly he said, “Hey guys come here, it’s a baby raccoon!” We were all like, “What?” We went over to see what this was all about. Sure enough, it was a baby raccoon whose mother had abandoned it. My nieces and nephew were really excited to see the baby, and they wanted to play with it. After giving it lots of attention we decided to put it back where we found it in case the mother would come back for it.

The next day after I had posted a picture of the baby raccoon, I later had a conversation with a lady named Kim, who used to go to our church, about my post. She was giving me some tips about how to take care of it and I realized that I may not have all the right tools for this baby. Then she told me that if I put it in a box with a towel on it, maybe the mama would come back. I proceeded to say, “If she comes back, I don’t think the mama would find it that quickly ‐ if I put it in a box. The baby raccoon felt kinda cold and I was surprised it was still alive when I went to go check on it later on.”

Later that evening, it was getting dark outside. Kim told me that she knew a lady who lives in Des Moines who rehabs orphaned animals and that Kim had to go to Nebraska the next morning. She wondered if I wanted her to come out and get the baby raccoon that same night (as it was getting ready to storm). I said, “Sure! You are welcome to.”
She told me she would take it to Des Moines to the animal rehab center on her way to work. That night Kim came out to meet me and we walked out to our tree in my back yard together by flashlight. I led her to where the baby raccoon was. We had a short chat about the baby coon and she thanked me for being so caring for animals. She picked the baby up, we walked back to her car and she placed the baby in her vehicle. We said our goodbyes and she went on her way. The next morning she dropped the raccoon off in Des Moines and I was very grateful to her to know the coon would be in a safe place.
How cute! So glad you were able to save the little creature from harms way =)
Edye |