Memorial Day BBQ

If you were to ask me what 5 words come to mind for Memorial Day weekend, they would be:

  1. Picnic
  2. Barbeque
  3. Family
  4. American
  5. Summer

Wishing you a happy & safe Memorial Day weekend!  Growing up, my great-grandmother’s birthday fell on this weekend.  I have many fond memories with cousins – family, celebrating at a park with one of those checkered red and white tablecloths.  We enjoyed a long leisurely lunch with side salads, fried chicken, and frisbee throwing in the background.  Great-grandmother, Ganny, as we called her, would kindly share some of her patriotic birthday cake with us grandkids.  It was the best! Looking back, I typically correlate this long weekend as initiating us into summer. 🙂 Hooray!

BBQ Pork Sandwiches

Here is an easy favorite pulled pork sandwich that can be made ahead of time – we’re talkin’ 4 ingredients here, folks (pork loin, onion, Dr. Pepper, and barbeque sauce).   Enjoy with some of these delicious sides & desserts!

Don’t forget the pie!

Strawberry Pie

Simple Strawberry Pie

Cherry Pie

Cherry Pie

Crumb Top Cherry Pie

Crumb top cherry pie

And, if you’re in the area, be sure to check out the latest painting at the Freedom Rock, by our local artist, Ray “Bubba” Sorensen.

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