As Mr. Farmer and I were at the breakfast table enjoying our early morning coffee, I glanced to the east and saw the most beautiful yellow orange sunrise. The camera was swooped off the shelf and out the door we went. Oh what beauty the early morning delivers. “The sun comes up it’s a new day dawning…” I always think of this song when I see the beauty of early morning. And… I always think of this line from “Anne of Green Gables,” when Anne was walking down the road with her teacher, Miss Stacy, ” A fresh new day with no mistakes in it,” she proclaims. Anne LOVES the thought……no mistakes yet. The weather this morning is crisp and cool and I promise myself I will take a walk after breakfast. The weather lady says it will be in the 90’s once again. August in Iowa……………………………..
I wonder if there will be haze again today. Yesterday it was hot and hazy…..hazy from the forest fires thousands of miles away in California where Annie and her family live!! Hard to believe. Fortunately they aren’t close, however; they are experiencing smoke and the smell of wood burning.
We say our goodbyes and Mr. Farmer slips out the drive with his long “to-do” list. Mine is long, too– believe me….they look nothing alike!
Out the door I go with my good walking shoes on with laces securely in place. And once again I am struck by the sights and sounds of early morning on our farm. The birds must be singing about their “to do” lists because they are quite noisy today!
As you can see, we are very dry in SW Iowa. We have been hoping and praying for rain. There is a chance through the night tonight.
I spy a gold finch on the feeder. How they enjoy the Niger thistle seed. Sometimes there are upwards of 15 at a time fighting for a place to perch and crack open the seed.

A couple weeks ago I spotted a blue bird in the little tree beside the house. I was so excited I had to run and tell those who were near. They came late this year, but they came!!! They are so fun to watch. This morning my curious mind wondered if anyone was at home, so I got fairly close to the opening to peek inside to see if there was any movement in this little home. Sure enough, out flew a beautiful blue bird—maybe just a little too close for comfort, yet I smiled from ear to ear.
This little gem went up a few days ago. I’m hoping a family of robins or wrens will move in. I’ll let you know if I spy any action.
Cicadas, robins, wrens and cardinals are singing in a choir this morning. Beautiful! The cicadas are telling me summer is nearing an end and school starts soon. Just plain sad!
The cows are softly lowing across the road making me feel at home and so comfortable. Now and then the trucks, cars and farm equipment zoom past interrupting my peace, but I don’t mind. People are out and about getting things done and that, too, makes me happy.
Cali the Calico is exercising on the trampoline. (Actually I think she found a spot where she won’t be chased by our Maggie dog.)
“I wouldn’t do that would I?” Don’t let that sweet face fool you for one minute! That’s how she gets her morning excercise. Yes, that’s our Golden and the whole family loves her. That’s a lot of loving!
She’s a pretty good doggy. Calm, quiet, loving until Cali gets too close or Mr. Farmer brings in a baler or another piece of equipment she isn’t familiar with. She barks and is frightened. Just turns her world upside down! You know how girls are!
Planted a sycamore tree three years ago. We love it! The bark sheds and the leaves are huge. It’s a great conversation piece when company comes. It will be gigantic one day and I’m guessing the perfect climbing tree. So important around here!
Mr. Farmer just loaded up the portable corral and is taking it to its home across the road. This piece of equipment helps with getting cattle up and sorting them when it’s time for vaccinations, moving to another pasture or weaning calves. It’s worth its weight in gold.
Now for the flowers:
I’d really like to have one of each variety, but I’m satisfied for now. Got to see many beautiful flowers at the Iowa State Fair the other day. That place always gives me new ideas as I pass through the horticulture area next to the Agriculture Building. It’s a great place to visit on a hot summer’s day!
Do you see some red-orange behind the lilly and the Russian sage? You’re not going to believe this! I planted some tomato plants in among the backyard flowers this spring. Low and behold, I have tomatoes coming out my ears…..or the flowers’ ears, I should say. It’s a weird way of doing things, I know, but it’s working and we’re enjoying our BLTs!
“Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, for this wonderful place I call home. It’s so easy to take for granted the rich Iowa soil that will grow about anything. Thank you for the beautiful corn, bean and hay crops we see all across this state. Please water them. Thank you for the livestock that we can raise to feed the masses. Thank you for the many varieties of flowers and trees—the beauty and enhancement they bring to our yards and gardens. Thank you for the birds of the air You care for, and Your word says how much more you care for us. Your love is amazing.
You gift us with the beauty of this world and I am so grateful. Thank you for our pets who bring such enrichment to our lives. Thank you for creating everything for our enjoyment and our care. You are an awesome Father.” In Your son, Jesus’ name, Amen.
I do hope you, too, are grateful for the beauty of God’s creation around you. If so, tell Him “thank you.” He loves for us to talk to Him.
Thank you for a beautiful devotional this morning, Denise. I love to see God’s creation on the farm. You are blessed to live among it and realize how special it is, and we are blessed that you share it with us! Have a delightful day! Love ya!
Thank you so much for your kind words. Isn’t it easy to take your surroundings for granted? The Lord has given us so much!
Thanks for your support.