Morning on the farm
It’s morning on the farm. I grab my bible, my cup of coffee, notepad and pen, camera, and out the backdoor I go to an immediate symphony of birds and animals and an art gallery of absolute beauty.
The sun is shining, the colors are vivid and the birds and animals have turned up their volume. They intend to wake me up, along with the cup ‘a Colombian joe I hold firmly in my hand. I make my way to the picnic table, unload my stuff, open my bible to the book of Psalms and take a deep breath. I want to inhale as much goodness and beauty around me as I possibly can? “Is this heaven?” No. Yet the One who made heaven, in which we all want so much to sneak peek, has given us heavenly beauty all around us. I HAVE to take photos!
The sights and sounds surrounding me are simply breathtaking. And so I stop and take yet another deep breath, drinking in all that I see. Thank you, God! I was definitely made for the country life. We were all made (in His image) to enjoy all He has made. In Genesis we read that He made them for our pleasure. Well, I’m completely convinced in this moment because the colors, sounds, weather are so pleasant, so beautiful, I can hardly stand it.
Creation……nature is invigorating me, from the tips of my toes to the top of my head I’m loving my surroundings.
And what makes up this resounding symphony as I take in God’s Holy Word? Well, I’ll tell you just of few of the members of this rural orchestra: the mooing cattle in the pasture to the east; the quiet dog barking intermittently about 1/2 mi west; robins chirping….many robins :); a bright orange and black Oriole solos every few minutes; royal cardinals resound and little wrens chatter (and sometimes scolds, letting me know I’m way too close to their families); the red-winged black bird with a pestering song.

Have I forgotten the meadowlark’s gorgeous tune, perched on a nearby fence post? They bring joy to my heart and bring back childhood memories of me singing right along with them from top of a fence post between our family home and our grandparents’ house who lived just a few steps away….. next door, on the same farmstead. Oh how fortunate I was! I see the little brightly colored goldfinches fluttering by, always coming around when the feeder is full of thistle seed, I hear the mournful sound of the mourning dove, knowing they aren’t really sad, and see the friendly brown thrashers once again. Then there are the swallows, starlings and blue jays. I really don’t care to mention them except for one thing: they are pretty.
Psalm 118: 5 “May you be blessed by the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.”
My point here? Yes, I have one. The God who made everything wants us to enjoy all He has made…..right around us! And then praise Him and worship Him, for He is a good, good Father. What Love the Father has for us. Yes, really. I John 4:19 says He loved us first.
And as we draw close to Him, He draws close to us.
An outdoors quiet time with the meditating on the Word of God is very good medicine for my soul. Actually, it makes my soul soar. And if I had wings that’s just what I’d do. I encourage you to do the same today. I especially love early morning………..the birds boldly declare the beauty of the Lord’s creation around them. The sun shines so brightly on the flowers and trees, it gives them all an enhanced color. Enjoy your day, dear friends.
Psalm 118:1 “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your surroundings with us! I, too , love birds. It’s one of the “units” we studied in elementary school in DesMoines that I have always appreciated and remembered. That, along with collecting leaves and learning about trees, Add in the study of clouds and you have my love of nature from a young age. I even remember learning the different dairy cows when we had a field trip to the Anderson Erickson Dairy. Funny what things remain with you all your life! Especially when it’s learning about God’s creation!