Mothers’ Love and A Mother’s Day Brunch

This morning I was reading in the book of Philippians, chapter 2. I read these verses:

 3Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

I suppose it’s because Mother’s Day is this weekend, but these verses instantly made me think about motherhood. I considered the words, “look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” My thoughts immediately went to my mom. She has always considered me and my siblings more significant than herself. Poignant memories of her coming to take care of me each time I had a new baby flooded my mind. She came for all five of them!  She thought of others’ interests by preparing home cooked meals, picking up after my toddlers, mopping the kitchen floor (again!), and rocking the newest baby (even in the middle of the night!). These were her ways to count others “more significant than herself.” She made those exhausting days really fun and special because of her servant’s attitude. This blog was born out of one of those stays… but that’s a story for another time. 🙂

My mom with my two girls
My mom with my two girls
My mom with baby Matthew
My mom with baby Matthew

My thoughts then went to my grandmas. I was blessed with two godly, loving grandmas. They were really opposite from each other, but they were both just PERFECT. Funny how that works! My Grandma Maxine was exceptional at putting others first. She dropped everything and really played with us everytime we went to her house. She gave us rides on the “horsey tree” until we tired of that game and that took a very long time, I assure you. I also thought of my Grandma Betty who would invite me to stay at her house by myself for a whole week! Playing endless games of canasta, baking cookies, and watching movies that I liked were her ways of putting my interests before her own.

My Grandma Betty
My Grandma Betty with baby Addison

Today I was planning on writing a post just about a Mother’s Day Brunch Menu, but these precious words from scripture seemed so important that I wanted to share them before the recipes.  I was convicted and challenged all day. My thoughts kept coming back to these two verses. I thought,  “I want to always count my children as more significant than myself. I want to really look to their own interests as well as mine.” I prayed and asked God to help me be a Christ-like mother who obeys these commands because I know I can’t do it out of my own strength.

And finally my thoughts came to a dear friend who told me how she spends Mother’s Day each year. Instead of expecting breakfast in bed and deluxe treatment all day, she asks each of her three boys what they would like to do, and they go on three individual dates. These are for perhaps to a favorite park or out for ice cream, but in her own simple way, on Mother’s Day no less, she is looking to the interests of others. I love it!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our mom readers! I know that you have “looked to the interests” of you kids countless times, and God has seen you do it every time.

And now how about some great Mother’s Day Brunch ideas? Here are few of our favorites! These are all easy, make-ahead, and delicious.

Mother’s Day Brunch Menu

Spinach Bacon Quiche with Hashbrown Crust 

Spinach Bacon Quiche

Pineapple Pretzel Salad 

Pineapple Pretzel Salad

Overnight Coffee Cake 

Overnight Coffee Cake

Mini Fruit Pizzas 

Mini Fruit Pizzas 2

Tropical Fruit Cups 

Tropical Fruit Cups

Orange Julius 

Orange julius 2



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